As the health care industry continues to adjust to health care reforms and regulations, health systems are making massive investments in new infrastructure, technology, processes and managerial approaches designed to manage change, such as electronic health records (Wagner, 2013). Statistics by health care industry researchers have suggested that with any improvement within the industry, any improvement may have peaked and then returned to normal levels of production within a specific timeframe. Turning to the revolutionary ideas of other industries has always been an option and shouldn’t be overlooked by the health care industry. There are many concepts that have transformed retail, technology and financial services companies which could be applied to health care (Huron, 2020). Examples of new approaches include adopting blockchain technologies, omnichannel, artificial intelligence, software as a service, internet of things and services in a box.
Health Care Learning from Other Sectors
Similar to the systems of electronic health care records, blockchain would decentralize databases used in the healthcare industry, allowing its users to share, update, and verify patient records in real-time throughout the network (this type of system would work best with a single payer healthcare industry). Blockchain-based data sovereignty and permissioned exchange scenarios will lead to faster, more efficient, and more secure medical data management and drug and medical device tracking (Consensys, 2020). Omnichannel technology focuses on improving consumer interactions, giving the user an almost seamless experience to products and services and has been most recently adopted by the company Target who has successfully integrated in-store, online and mobile experiences (Huron 2020). Target promotes its app to its customers where they are able to sign up for coupon notifications, create shopping wish lists, order items and have the items set aside for pick up within a few hours eliminated long lines or excessive shop time.
Much of the articles written on healthcare’s implementation of blockchain technology don’t exactly disclose the organizations using it or their success with the technology. In my opinion this shows how the technology is still in its infancy stage but once proven, I’m sure it will be adopted throughout the nation. With creating an omnichannel experience within the healthcare industry, organizations must integrate their consumer touchpoints by connecting patient portals, call centers, online scheduling systems, virtual appointments and in- person appointments to one another (Huron, 2020). Other points mentioned are just as important, if not as innovative in their approach to ease use of the end user. Internet of things uses software to integrate and sync data amongst similar software programs, much like software as a service technology that stores information within a cloud (server) and is accessible to its users on demand. Based on health care reforms and regulations such as HIPAA organizations have to also consider how, if at all, information could be compromised which may lead to the fact that the technologies aren’t commonplace today.
Blockchain Use Cases and Applications by Industry. (2020). Consensys. Retrieved from
Devine, David. (2020). 6 Innovations From Other Industries That Healthcare Organizations Should Adopt. Retrieved from
Wagner, Mike. (October 28, 2013). Bringing Outside Innovations into Health Care. Retrieved from
As the health care industry continues to adjust to health care reforms and regulations, health systems are making massive investments in new infrastructure, technology, processes and managerial approaches designed to manage change, such as electronic health records (Wagner, 2013). Statistics by health care industry researchers have suggested that with any improvement within the industry, any improvement may have peaked and then returned to normal levels of production within a specific timeframe. Turning to the revolutionary ideas of other industries has always been an option and shouldn’t be overlooked by the health care industry. There are many concepts that have transformed retail, technology and financial services companies which could be applied to health care (Huron, 2020). Examples of new approaches include adopting blockchain technologies, omnichannel, artificial intelligence, software as a service, internet of things and services in a box.
Health Care Learning from Other Sectors
Similar to the systems of electronic health care records, blockchain would decentralize databases used in the healthcare industry, allowing its users to share, update, and verify patient records in real-time throughout the network (this type of system would work best with a single payer healthcare industry). Blockchain-based data sovereignty and permissioned exchange scenarios will lead to faster, more efficient, and more secure medical data management and drug and medical device tracking (Consensys, 2020). Omnichannel technology focuses on improving consumer interactions, giving the user an almost seamless experience to products and services and has been most recently adopted by the company Target who has successfully integrated in-store, online and mobile experiences (Huron 2020). Target promotes its app to its customers where they are able to sign up for coupon notifications, create shopping wish lists, order items and have the items set aside for pick up within a few hours eliminated long lines or excessive shop time.
Much of the articles written on healthcare’s implementation of blockchain technology don’t exactly disclose the organizations using it or their success with the technology. In my opinion this shows how the technology is still in its infancy stage but once proven, I’m sure it will be adopted throughout the nation. With creating an omnichannel experience within the healthcare industry, organizations must integrate their consumer touchpoints by connecting patient portals, call centers, online scheduling systems, virtual appointments and in- person appointments to one another (Huron, 2020). Other points mentioned are just as important, if not as innovative in their approach to ease use of the end user. Internet of things uses software to integrate and sync data amongst similar software programs, much like software as a service technology that stores information within a cloud (server) and is accessible to its users on demand. Based on health care reforms and regulations such as HIPAA organizations have to also consider how, if at all, information could be compromised which may lead to the fact that the technologies aren’t commonplace today.
Blockchain Use Cases and Applications by Industry. (2020). Consensys. Retrieved from
Devine, David. (2020). 6 Innovations From Other Industries That Healthcare Organizations Should Adopt. Retrieved from
Wagner, Mike. (October 28, 2013). Bringing Outside Innovations into Health Care. Retrieved from