Healthcare Informatics


The Case Study “Care Coordination Improved through Health Information Exchange” focuses on the Coastal Women’s Healthcare as it implemented the practice of Health Information Exchange. The Coastal Women’s Healthcare is an independent practice which has its own team consisting of physicians and other medical staff. It explains how it implemented Health Information Exchange and how its challenges were addressed. Its success was ultimately recognized in a ceremony that other healthcare leaders and representatives attended. It provides data to demonstrate how Health Information Exchange provides better patient care, compares to the current industry standards and may apply to OneLegacy’s system.

Health Information Exchange (HIE) allows patient information to be gathered electronically and facilitates sharing patient information with other care providers. The data gathered explains how providers can access the results of tests that were completed along with treatments or medical advice that was given by other providers. Further research supports that “the US health care system is rapidly adopting electronic health records, which will dramatically increase the quantity of clinical data that are available electronically” (Bates, 2014). This expedites the availability of medical records and reduces the cost. As a result, the data demonstrates how quality of patient care improved as cost decreased. Cost decreases as less supplies is needed to be print and share medical records and less staff is needed to complete such task.

The practice of HIE is implemented in the current health care system as it also protects patient privacy. This particular case study identifies how patient care is improved and how cost is reduced. However, it does not go into the details of how this system allows management to make efficient decisions. There has been extensive research on how HIE affects the heath system. As explained by Wang, “decision support capability emphasizes the ability to produce reports about daily healthcare services to aid managers' decisions and actions” (Wang, 2016). Having data available allows management to identify patterns in hopes of making the best decisions when there is not sufficient time to consider the available options. Predicting the direction of the health care system prepares management to keep their organization towards their specific goal.

OneLegacy can implement this practice as it will facilitate for patient’s to be evaluated in a timely manner in order to determine suitability for donation. Since 1998, “. . . HCFA required that hospitals must notify their local OPO about all deaths and imminent deaths and that families must be approached about donation in collaboration with the local OPO (Nathan, 2003)”. Hospitals are referring patients then OneLegacy clinical coordinators obtain medical information and relay it to their clinical management who will determine suitability for donation. Implementing HIE will allow for all departments to have the needed information available in order to approach a family for donation and ultimately save lives.

Health Information Exchange has proven to be successful within the healthcare system. Therefore, it will improve the efficiency of OneLegacy’s process. This practice can include suitability, hospital and family plan to dispatch the most appropriate family care coordinator to support the grieving family and approach for donation based on the strengths of the available coordinators.