Health Care Liaison

I think it is for the Orexo job selling Zubsolv. It was a contract that was with Publicist but apparently since the launch flopped it looks like Orexo is taking their business to Inventiv. The launch flopped because of the product and ridiculously high, unattainable sales expectations from Orexo. Not because of the sales reps. Territories are gianormous and the main competitor is Suboxone which has a huge client loyalty base since it has been the only product for opioid dependency on the market for 10 years. Not to mention one Orexo rep covers a territory with anywhere from 3-6 RB reps. Company did not set up reps for success instead they continue to choose to cut corners to save money and as a result the launch has failed. Not to mention it is truly less than a me too product. Suboxone is superior and Zubsolv has serious limitations for prescribers.

I believe they will be rolling over reps from Publicis into territories first. Mso even if you have a posting for a position in your area dibs goes to Publicis CSO's to be rolled over to Inventiv contract. So, basically you may never hear from a recruiter about this position.

I see, thank you for the info. It sure sounds like this launch was handled improperly. I started job searching at the tail end of all the diabetes contracts that just went out, coming out of a painfully tedious schedule 2 sale myself. Wondering if inVentiv has anything interesting coming up, anyone know?