- Laurie A Moore   Apr 15, 2019 at 09:17: PM
Laurie A Moore
new user
Health Care Learning from Other Sectors
Health care entities are in the unique position of having to master customer service while dealing with those that are sick or injured and trying to keep them safe and happy. In recent years there has been a push to increase patient satisfaction, just like other industries push customer satisfaction. Viewing a patient as a customer changes the way each interaction between the patient and caregiver is viewed. This is important because patients have a choice in healthcare provider now and will not tolerate anything less than excellence. Looking at other industries, there are a few takeaways that the healthcare industry can learn.
When the average person steps into a restaurant, they expect happy, helpful and attentive people at their service. This expectation is universal regardless of the establishment. Streamlined processes and consistency provide an efficient dining experience. Some may complain that the experience is “cookie cutter” but they return because they know the establishment will live up to their expectations, (Gamble, 2012).
Ease of Use
Sometimes, customer expectations lean toward the need to make something as simple as possible. Retail stores such as certain do it yourself stores, offer staff that help the customer from the door to the register, ("5 Lessons Healthcare Can Learn from Other Industries", 2016). They escort them around the store and assist with project planning. They make the experience easy. Health care should be no different. This is where close case management can be assisted by volunteer staff to close the gaps. Someone to hold their hand through the process of receiving health care could mean the difference in understanding the whys and how’s and being frightened or frustrated. Much of the frustration can be resolved by listening.
Communication with patients is more than explaining procedures and disease process. Actively listening to the patient can take the experience from good to great because the patient feels like as though someone truly cares about them as a person, and not simply their diagnosis. They go from being the gallbladder down the hall to Mrs. Every Patient in room 203. Fostering these lines of communication will help the provider maintain that patient and may prevent them from seeking services elsewhere. Goyol (2018), states “when user experience isn’t great, there’s room for new businesses to provide a better experience”, (para. 3).
The healthcare industry can learn a lot from the retail and restaurant industries when it comes to efficiency, hospitality, and helpfulness. Creating a streamlined, consistent experience with each interaction and doing so with a caring smile and a kind word will allow even the most unpleasant of medical outcomes be more tolerable. This happens because someone cares, and it shows.
5 Lessons healthcare can learn from other industries (2016). Retrieved from University of Utah Health University of Utah Health - Research, Education, Patient Care - Salt Lake City, Utah
Gamble, M. (2012). What can healthcare learn from other industries? 5 Lessons. Retrieved from Becker's Hospital Review
Goyol, N. (2018). This is what healthcare can learn from other industries that have been disrupted. Retrieved from Healthcare in America
Health care entities are in the unique position of having to master customer service while dealing with those that are sick or injured and trying to keep them safe and happy. In recent years there has been a push to increase patient satisfaction, just like other industries push customer satisfaction. Viewing a patient as a customer changes the way each interaction between the patient and caregiver is viewed. This is important because patients have a choice in healthcare provider now and will not tolerate anything less than excellence. Looking at other industries, there are a few takeaways that the healthcare industry can learn.
When the average person steps into a restaurant, they expect happy, helpful and attentive people at their service. This expectation is universal regardless of the establishment. Streamlined processes and consistency provide an efficient dining experience. Some may complain that the experience is “cookie cutter” but they return because they know the establishment will live up to their expectations, (Gamble, 2012).
Ease of Use
Sometimes, customer expectations lean toward the need to make something as simple as possible. Retail stores such as certain do it yourself stores, offer staff that help the customer from the door to the register, ("5 Lessons Healthcare Can Learn from Other Industries", 2016). They escort them around the store and assist with project planning. They make the experience easy. Health care should be no different. This is where close case management can be assisted by volunteer staff to close the gaps. Someone to hold their hand through the process of receiving health care could mean the difference in understanding the whys and how’s and being frightened or frustrated. Much of the frustration can be resolved by listening.
Communication with patients is more than explaining procedures and disease process. Actively listening to the patient can take the experience from good to great because the patient feels like as though someone truly cares about them as a person, and not simply their diagnosis. They go from being the gallbladder down the hall to Mrs. Every Patient in room 203. Fostering these lines of communication will help the provider maintain that patient and may prevent them from seeking services elsewhere. Goyol (2018), states “when user experience isn’t great, there’s room for new businesses to provide a better experience”, (para. 3).
The healthcare industry can learn a lot from the retail and restaurant industries when it comes to efficiency, hospitality, and helpfulness. Creating a streamlined, consistent experience with each interaction and doing so with a caring smile and a kind word will allow even the most unpleasant of medical outcomes be more tolerable. This happens because someone cares, and it shows.
5 Lessons healthcare can learn from other industries (2016). Retrieved from University of Utah Health University of Utah Health - Research, Education, Patient Care - Salt Lake City, Utah
Gamble, M. (2012). What can healthcare learn from other industries? 5 Lessons. Retrieved from Becker's Hospital Review
Goyol, N. (2018). This is what healthcare can learn from other industries that have been disrupted. Retrieved from Healthcare in America