Heads up, Vesicare marketing!


Hey! Gina B, Chad Z or anyone else in charge of Vesicare marketing: Here's a big HEADS UP for you all! How about since I am giving you a solid three month lead time on this one, you actually deliver some updated Vesicare coupons and vouchers BEFORE the end of the year, when everything expires! In case you don't know it - and apparently you don't - this is one hassle that is completely unnecessary for me and my customers to deal with. In this day and age of corporate medicine, we can no longer ask the customers just to keep them in the closet and continue to use them once they are outdated. The corporate health systems managers won't let them keep outdated crap around. Also, as if it isn't hard enough for me to get a damn Vesicare Rx actually filled at the pharmacy (and not subbed for generic) I don't really need your outdated "resources" giving the pharmacist one more excuse not to fill the script I have worked so hard to get written. Really...are you aware that 1/1/13 will come after 12/31/12? Plan ahead and give us some stuff ON TIME for once!

This is a softball. Shut up rep and go get your shine box. The adults have bigger things to worry about besides your little vouchers for a best in class product with the best managed care coverage. Boo friggin hoo.....

Hey! Gina B, Chad Z or anyone else in charge of Vesicare marketing: Here's a big HEADS UP for you all! How about since I am giving you a solid three month lead time on this one, you actually deliver some updated Vesicare coupons and vouchers BEFORE the end of the year, when everything expires! In case you don't know it - and apparently you don't - this is one hassle that is completely unnecessary for me and my customers to deal with. In this day and age of corporate medicine, we can no longer ask the customers just to keep them in the closet and continue to use them once they are outdated. The corporate health systems managers won't let them keep outdated crap around. Also, as if it isn't hard enough for me to get a damn Vesicare Rx actually filled at the pharmacy (and not subbed for generic) I don't really need your outdated "resources" giving the pharmacist one more excuse not to fill the script I have worked so hard to get written. Really...are you aware that 1/1/13 will come after 12/31/12? Plan ahead and give us some stuff ON TIME for once!

Sad but true, the only things that really matter are always completely fucked up every time year over year, quarter over quarter. Outdated coupons, speaker contract nightmares, and little or no 30 day vouchers for hospitals/offices that dont accept samples. GSK has been out of the picture for over a year now, so these clowns in marketing can no longer pass the blame to GSK and their policies etc. Get a fucking clue, Edge presentations or visual aids don't sell a Urologist on prescribing Vesicare. Put down the cup of cult kool aid you are drinking and actually deliver/execute on something. The above poster makes a great point, you have 3 MONTHS to not fuck this one up. What will be the result?

This is a softball. Shut up rep and go get your shine box. The adults have bigger things to worry about besides your little vouchers for a best in class product with the best managed care coverage. Boo friggin hoo.....

Spoken like a manager or marketing. It's about perception on the offices. Why can't we get them on time and in large quantities? You do your job so we can do ours. Instead of being a smart ass, respond to the REPEATED questions.

Hey! Gina B, Chad Z or anyone else in charge of Vesicare marketing: Here's a big HEADS UP for you all! How about since I am giving you a solid three month lead time on this one, you actually deliver some updated Vesicare coupons and vouchers BEFORE the end of the year, when everything expires! In case you don't know it - and apparently you don't - this is one hassle that is completely unnecessary for me and my customers to deal with. In this day and age of corporate medicine, we can no longer ask the customers just to keep them in the closet and continue to use them once they are outdated. The corporate health systems managers won't let them keep outdated crap around. Also, as if it isn't hard enough for me to get a damn Vesicare Rx actually filled at the pharmacy (and not subbed for generic) I don't really need your outdated "resources" giving the pharmacist one more excuse not to fill the script I have worked so hard to get written. Really...are you aware that 1/1/13 will come after 12/31/12? Plan ahead and give us some stuff ON TIME for once!

Yah, that shits got to get fixed because we can't sell with out them.

Spoken like a manager or marketing. It's about perception on the offices. Why can't we get them on time and in large quantities? You do your job so we can do ours. Instead of being a smart ass, respond to the REPEATED questions.

Here is your home office response.....be grateful you have them at all and any managed care coverage to sell with as you cant sell clinically so let's discount the product to death so you can be successful by basically giving it away.

Here is your home office response.....be grateful you have them at all and any managed care coverage to sell with as you cant sell clinically so let's discount the product to death so you can be successful by basically giving it away.

And why can't we sell clinically? How about because RB & the rest of those idiots caused us to lose all our comparative study info yrs ago. Now legal says not to even mention another product? Of course the only thing we have to sell is MHC! How exactly do you think you sell clinically w/o comparative statements? You sell MHC.

And yes apparently failure is a resume enhncement at APUS. RB ruined our marketing & now they've put him in charge our our MHC so he can kill that too.

Hey! Gina B, Chad Z or anyone else in charge of Vesicare marketing: Here's a big HEADS UP for you all! How about since I am giving you a solid three month lead time on this one, you actually deliver some updated Vesicare coupons and vouchers BEFORE the end of the year, when everything expires! In case you don't know it - and apparently you don't - this is one hassle that is completely unnecessary for me and my customers to deal with. In this day and age of corporate medicine, we can no longer ask the customers just to keep them in the closet and continue to use them once they are outdated. The corporate health systems managers won't let them keep outdated crap around. Also, as if it isn't hard enough for me to get a damn Vesicare Rx actually filled at the pharmacy (and not subbed for generic) I don't really need your outdated "resources" giving the pharmacist one more excuse not to fill the script I have worked so hard to get written. Really...are you aware that 1/1/13 will come after 12/31/12? Plan ahead and give us some stuff ON TIME for once!

Looks like Gina B, Chad Z and anyone else in charge of marketing got it right. Awful quiet now aren't you. Now take your shoeshine and get me more Vesicare.