He is either nuts or on drugs or both


Santorum has gone into the world of lunacy. He is now comparing Obama to Hitler, and that will send the independents and rational republicans running in all directions to get away from his stupidity. Santorum has taken republicans into the land of the "bat-shit" crazy, recently vacated by the idiot Bawwkman
Of course this is great for Obama and the dems and libs, since the campaign has shifted to "social issues", conservatives just cannot win. Get ready for four more years, and get ready for teabaggers to tossed out. It's a beautiful thing.

Conservatism again proves a mind is a terrible thing to waste, just look at Sanatorium and a few of con posters here on cp.



Actually it's you who is either nuts or on drugs or both.

Unless Santorum has switched to the Democrat Party, he has not gone into the world of lunacy.

By putting up such insane posts, you give away the fact that you are scared to death that Obama will be a one-termer, which he will.:D

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Actually it's you who is either nuts or on drugs or both.

Unless Santorum has switched to the Democrat Party, he has not gone into the world of lunacy.

By putting up such insane posts, you give away the fact that you are scared to death that Obama will be a one-termer, which he will.:D

Admit it, you are the one who is terrified that Obama is going to get re-elected. Sanitarium is a crazy rightwing religious lunatic, trying to appeal to a base of similar minded lunatics. The conservatives whine about the economy, yet try to campaign on social issues. Cons have NO plan for the economy except more tax cuts, which is among the many reasons the economy is in the crapper now.
And besides, your posts are only feeble attempts at deflection of the real issue. You have no answer for Sanitarium stupid comments, so you attempt to marginalize them with blather and bleating.

Santorum has gone into the world of lunacy. He is now comparing Obama to Hitler, and that will send the independents and rational republicans running in all directions to get away from his stupidity. Santorum has taken republicans into the land of the "bat-shit" crazy, recently vacated by the idiot Bawwkman
Of course this is great for Obama and the dems and libs, since the campaign has shifted to "social issues", conservatives just cannot win. Get ready for four more years, and get ready for teabaggers to tossed out. It's a beautiful thing.

Conservatism again proves a mind is a terrible thing to waste, just look at Sanatorium and a few of con posters here on cp.


Yes, you so hate those reference to politicians as Hitler right?

EPIC FAIL on your part


Yes, you so hate those reference to politicians as Hitler right?

EPIC FAIL on your part


Is it at all possible to deal with the issues of today? Not 7 years ago, or Clinton, or Kennedy? Admit it, the cons of today, and the whack jobs who follow and believe them are the real threat to this country. They are the HATERS. As one semi-lucid poster likes to point out, if you call someone a "Hater" in "some' countries, it is a prisonable offense. Calling our president Hitler is hate speech, and Mr. Sweatervest should be imprisoned, that is according to the rhetoric of the aforementioned poster.

Is it at all possible to deal with the issues of today? Not 7 years ago, or Clinton, or Kennedy? Admit it, the cons of today, and the whack jobs who follow and believe them are the real threat to this country. They are the HATERS. As one semi-lucid poster likes to point out, if you call someone a "Hater" in "some' countries, it is a prisonable offense. Calling our president Hitler is hate speech, and Mr. Sweatervest should be imprisoned, that is according to the rhetoric of the aforementioned poster.

Actually it is all very relevant. Was it hate speech when it was directed toward prior Presidents?

Admit it, you are the one who is terrified that Obama is going to get re-elected. Sanitarium is a crazy rightwing religious lunatic, trying to appeal to a base of similar minded lunatics. The conservatives whine about the economy, yet try to campaign on social issues. Cons have NO plan for the economy except more tax cuts, which is among the many reasons the economy is in the crapper now.
And besides, your posts are only feeble attempts at deflection of the real issue. You have no answer for Sanitarium stupid comments, so you attempt to marginalize them with blather and bleating.

The truth of the matter is that it's you who is into blather and bleating. I just correct the record. If you think that tax cuts are what got us into this economic mess, that's all the proof needed that you know nothing about economics!

Is it at all possible to deal with the issues of today? Not 7 years ago, or Clinton, or Kennedy? Admit it, the cons of today, and the whack jobs who follow and believe them are the real threat to this country. They are the HATERS. As one semi-lucid poster likes to point out, if you call someone a "Hater" in "some' countries, it is a prisonable offense. Calling our president Hitler is hate speech, and Mr. Sweatervest should be imprisoned, that is according to the rhetoric of the aforementioned poster.

Why am I not surprised that you would happily go along with imprisoning people who disagree with and speak out against the government? Funny, you had no issue nor calls for Biden to be imprisoned when he referred to the tea party as terrorists.

Are you too dense to understand that political parties change and what you endorse for this administration will also be allowed when the party is in control that you despise.

Why am I not surprised that you would happily go along with imprisoning people who disagree with and speak out against the government? Funny, you had no issue nor calls for Biden to be imprisoned when he referred to the tea party as terrorists.

Are you too dense to understand that political parties change and what you endorse for this administration will also be allowed when the party is in control that you despise.

The tea party are a bunch of bigoted losers. Good for Biden calling them out!

Is it at all possible to deal with the issues of today? Not 7 years ago, or Clinton, or Kennedy? Admit it, the cons of today, and the whack jobs who follow and believe them are the real threat to this country. They are the HATERS. As one semi-lucid poster likes to point out, if you call someone a "Hater" in "some' countries, it is a prisonable offense. Calling our president Hitler is hate speech, and Mr. Sweatervest should be imprisoned, that is according to the rhetoric of the aforementioned poster.

I never said that Obama is Hitler. I said that Obama is using the same Class Warfare tactics that Hitler did.
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Santorum has gone into the world of lunacy. He is now comparing Obama to Hitler, and that will send the independents and rational republicans running in all directions to get away from his stupidity. Santorum has taken republicans into the land of the "bat-shit" crazy, recently vacated by the idiot Bawwkman
Of course this is great for Obama and the dems and libs, since the campaign has shifted to "social issues", conservatives just cannot win. Get ready for four more years, and get ready for teabaggers to tossed out. It's a beautiful thing.

Conservatism again proves a mind is a terrible thing to waste, just look at Sanatorium and a few of con posters here on cp.


Wow. People didn't really listen to Santorum at the start of this race. He would have been served well if most of us never had. Like Bachmann, I hope that this disastrous run for the Presidency will end his public political career. Every time he opens his mouth he says something offensive or tells an outright lie. If he ever gets to run against President Obama, he won't last ten minutes and Obama won't have to do anything other than play the clips of Santorum's speeches.

Admit it, you are the one who is terrified that Obama is going to get re-elected. Sanitarium is a crazy rightwing religious lunatic, trying to appeal to a base of similar minded lunatics. The conservatives whine about the economy, yet try to campaign on social issues. Cons have NO plan for the economy except more tax cuts, which is among the many reasons the economy is in the crapper now.
And besides, your posts are only feeble attempts at deflection of the real issue. You have no answer for Sanitarium stupid comments, so you attempt to marginalize them with blather and bleating.

You and Breakingnews seem to be laboring under this delusion. Why should I be afraid? Is OWEdummy going to start rounding us up? According to you, we are living under nirvana and I am not seeing it.

But, what exactly am I afraid of?

Truth be told, my life has actually gotten better under OWEdummy. But, that is me personally. I am always going to do well because I don't allow my fortunes to be dictated by who is in the Oval office. You obviously do.

Now that I have been taking efforts to assure my family's survival in the pending economic collapse, I have no worries.

It is you who should be afraid regardless who becomes President, because my guess is that you are not prepared for anything.

You will be like those poor souls during Katrina gathered at the Superdome and the Convention center wondering why the gobblement isn't "bailing you out".

Then you will get bitter and instead of lashing out at the people who led you down this path (greedy politicians), you will take your anger out on your fellow citizens.

The Katrina aftermath will be child's play once this economy collapses once and for all.

But, please enlighten me on what it is exactly I am supposed to be afraid of. Because if there is something I need to be preparing for and I am not, I would really like to know. You would be doing me a huge solid. Thanks