HCV Managers

The guy that hired me here is a total d-bag, micro manager, "work until 5:45 every day", ass kissing freak

I do not believe that. That is not even legal, no manager would require that of any rep let alone one that does not even have their drug approved yet. I hear Selby is a very handsome gentleman and an INCREDIBLE manager. get a life!!

I do not believe that. That is not even legal, no manager would require that of any rep let alone one that does not even have their drug approved yet. I hear Selby is a very handsome gentleman and an INCREDIBLE manager. get a life!!

Talk about clueless. Selby is dumb as dirt and not only drinks the KoolAid, he has his own flavor. He got the lowest final exam test score in his region at Hcv training and periodically gives his reps tests that he makes up. Affirmative action live and well in corporate America.
He may a nice enough guy but no brains. If you like being treated like a 22 year old out of college primary care rep-then he is you man. He has no place in biotech.

Talk about clueless. Selby is dumb as dirt and not only drinks the KoolAid, he has his own flavor. He got the lowest final exam test score in his region at Hcv training and periodically gives his reps tests that he makes up. Affirmative action live and well in corporate America.
He may a nice enough guy but no brains. If you like being treated like a 22 year old out of college primary care rep-then he is you man. He has no place in biotech.

well, take it from someone that should know (I am currently working for him) he is one of if not the best manager I have ever had. He knows what is coming in 113 days and he is getting us ready for it. I think there may be a little racist tone in your comments. No, I don't think it - I know it! Now go away and leave our district alone. I think I speak for all of us.

Selby stop posting your own accolades. You know you have the intelligence level of an 8th grader. Racist??? Well, do you think if he were not what he is he would have gotten the job? It was that or hire a woman and JG won't do that.

Selby stop posting your own accolades. You know you have the intelligence level of an 8th grader. Racist??? Well, do you think if he were not what he is he would have gotten the job? It was that or hire a woman and JG won't do that.

Yeah, because we know minorities dominate the management and executive level ranks throughout Corporate America! All of the white men who nearly crashed our economy and gave away our middle class are waaaaay more qualified. Right! Anytime, a minority gets hired or promoted the first thing out of white folks mouth's is unqualified and Affirmative Action hire. We have a loooong way to go before we become "post-racial". Too bad and it's 2013!

Yeah, because we know minorities dominate the management and executive level ranks throughout Corporate America! All of the white men who nearly crashed our economy and gave away our middle class are waaaaay more qualified. Right! Anytime, a minority gets hired or promoted the first thing out of white folks mouth's is unqualified and Affirmative Action hire. We have a loooong way to go before we become "post-racial". Too bad and it's 2013!

Though your simplistic political diatribe is inaccurate, I can't disagree that management jobs have been dominated by white men. Unfortunately, forcing the hiring of terrible _____(insert "victimized" minority here), has only hurt their causes and hurt the racial climate.

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