HCV is turning int a bit of a mess already!


Managers and reps feeling pressure already. Customers not overly interested. Here we go again. Been through this 3 times here. Let's go management and marketing. Get your shit together.


Good luck Merck in HCV. You are a day late and a dollar short coming to market. Gilead is a STRONG competitor. They have one of the best marketing teams in the industry. They also have strong upper-management and their research and development teams are run the way Merck was many years ago when they were the envy in pharma for their enviable research teams. Unfortunately Merck is now run by accountants and lawyers where the bottom line is way more important than the patient's success in getting great responses and cures. Sorry to see Merck fall so hard so fast! The HCV division leaders are not respected and do not have strong leadership qualities to win in this competitive environment.

We will take the market by storm, customers are ready for a change. They are tired of writing Harvoni, even if it works better than anything ever has or ever will. So get ready for launch time and make sure you tell them that you deserve the business because you work for Merck. Oh, and I need you to grow that dead product Isentress. See you in Florida.

Merck is not tough enough to compete with Gilead.

Think of yourselves as the flabby, overweight opera singer taking a smoke break before you get back on the stage.


We will take the market by storm, customers are ready for a change. They are tired of writing Harvoni, even if it works better than anything ever has or ever will. So get ready for launch time and make sure you tell them that you deserve the business because you work for Merck. Oh, and I need you to grow that dead product Isentress. See you in Florida.

Hey Mr. Tod Putz from MRK, are you taking something really bad as a sleep aid with dark looming shadows. So here is the bottom line GILD has the best science and outcomes, focused market driven strategy, good people managements, terrific account managers, KOLs love us, market is satisfied and not interested in MRK's 50 to 55% discount. Plus we at GILD are highly motivated, successful and proud of our accomplishments and are moving on to a even better combinations with improved outcomes. Truth be said, Mrk is a badly managed company. So this sums things up for you Mr. Putz. Good luck in Florida hope your launch meeting is not being run by losers responsible for Vioxx, failures in the cholesterol markets, all recent launches and all the other fuck ups in the vaccine div. Good luck and see you in the market and lets go to war and have fun and confirm again that GILD is an outstanding competitor.

We will take the market by storm, customers are ready for a change. They are tired of writing Harvoni, even if it works better than anything ever has or ever will. So get ready for launch time and make sure you tell them that you deserve the business because you work for Merck. Oh, and I need you to grow that dead product Isentress. See you in Florida.

Hey Mr. Tod Putz from MRK, are you taking something really bad as a sleep aid with dark looming shadows. So here is the bottom line GILD has the best science and outcomes, focused market driven strategy, good people managements, terrific account managers, KOLs love us, market is satisfied and not interested in MRK's 50 to 55% discount. Plus we at GILD are highly motivated, successful and proud of our accomplishments and are moving on to a even better combinations with improved outcomes. Truth be said, Mrk is a badly managed company. So this sums things up for you Mr. Putz. Good luck in Florida hope your launch meeting is not being run by losers responsible for Vioxx, failures in the cholesterol markets, all recent launches and all the other fuck ups in the vaccine div. Good luck and see you in the market and lets go to war and have fun and confirm again that GILD is an outstanding competitor.

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