HCV Incentive Plan - Maintain M.S.


The analysis that this years plan is modeled after had to be create by monkey. Sorry, didn't mean to call Andy a monkey but come on. Just received the national file and confirmed what I had known at the divisional level.

Target Payout

Base of 95% Target incentive paid out at 86% That's going to be difficult.
Base of 85% Target incentive paid out at 86% OK
Base of 75% Target incentive paid out at 80% Get Peg-Intron loyalist to warehouse

I'm OK cause I can make target incentive or better without much effort but my peer can loose 8 points and still make what I am going to make.

Small, you got out at a good time. This program is suppose to have a tighter distribution than 2010. HA! A 95% territory is not going to loose market share just because volume is going down, nobody wrote Peg-Intron to begin with. Why would physicians start now to use Peg-Intron when everyone is warehousing patients.

Send out the national numbers so everyone can see what I and many already have seen. This is a joke.

i have had a market share above 90% for two years in a row and not made much money. This year i will make money cause if i stay above 90%, i think i earn about 110% since my target is in upper 80's. Sweet

i have had a market share above 90% for two years in a row and not made much money. This year i will make money cause if i stay above 90%, i think i earn about 110% since my target is in upper 80's. Sweet
That was the purpose of the plan obviously. 80 and above hold the fort and make money. Below 80, F/U, you have to finally do something.

Yea, the 2010 plan was not fair for all. Out of the top 10 for PCA, 3 of the territories were in the top 50, 4 territories in the middle, and 3 in the bottom when you look at their baseline share beginning 2010.
1 MS rank was 125
2 MS rank was 126
3 MS rank was 68
4 MS rank was 9
5 MS rank was 2
6 MS rank was 62
7 MS rank was 21
8 MS rank was 102
9 MS rank was 63
10 MS rank was 89

Looks like everyone had a chance to make money by hard work, not just entitlement. Anyone who thinks it's a good idea to pay target incentives to areas that loose 5-10 market share points from their base (not their target) need to run their own company or work for the goverment. Looks like an earmark to me.

I am proud of #1 and #6 for coming into territories and really getting them going. Theirs is not entitlement rankings, they earned it. Every territory had an opportunity to win, not just a few. You are the man and yes, #6 you are the lady. Take the money to the bank.


The money will be shown when telapravir gets approved and we end with some dumb co-market agreement with VRTX. Marketshare, volume; whatever it won't matter both will go up...I SHOWED YOU THE MONEY