
Wow, I bet poster #2 wasn't even in Hawaii, and with that kind of attitude I can understand why!

What I saw, was a guy who'd been with the company a total of 3 weeks, trying to get a handle on everything going on. Even saw him and his lady going thru to directory at lunch at the beach club trying to put names with faces! I'd say that at least shows an attempt to make some connection. Only got a brief chance to talk with him.

What did you expect, after two weeks he'd announce some new master plan at a sales vacation????

Poster #2, not at the President's Club meeting, however, I am fully aware of this company and still with them. What I do know is that manager's are told to get rid of 20% of their district each year through PIPs and CAPs. I also know managers who are on stress leave and have left the company. This is a sinking ship with so many EO violations against them and massive discrimination practices. Again, why do you think Covidien wants to SELL this losing pharma division, it's a dead weight to them!