Haven't done any work yet this week


Truth be told, there hasn't been a Merck rep in fifty years that actually did any work. The job is a joke.

It is a total joke…I think there was a time that reps really did have any actual job to do, (when Merck had the Midas touch back in the 80's and had that incredible run of quality launches) but even then, reps have always worked barely part time for full time pay…the job is like no other in the world…

I was so naive for years, that I thought everyone out there made 100 grand a year for working 15-20 hours a week…

Any industry with normal margins, would have collapsed years ago if it was mismanaged as badly as pharma has...

Some of us (me), do work 7:45-5:15 on the road, everyday, as well as 1-2 hours a day in the office, and even a few hours (on occasion) on the weekend.

It's called work ethic and being professional.

Those that claim that its only pharmaceutical reps that do the 15-20 hour week...well, that is BS too. ANY sales job with minimal supervision is going to have people that want to skate with a 15-20 hour work week.

The mindset of the pharmaceutical sales rep needs to change. Don't pay attention what other lazy people are doing in your company. Just do your job and don't compromise your work ethic.

Some of us (me), do work 7:45-5:15 on the road, everyday, as well as 1-2 hours a day in the office, and even a few hours (on occasion) on the weekend.

It's called work ethic and being professional.

Those that claim that its only pharmaceutical reps that do the 15-20 hour week...well, that is BS too. ANY sales job with minimal supervision is going to have people that want to skate with a 15-20 hour work week.

The mindset of the pharmaceutical sales rep needs to change. Don't pay attention what other lazy people are doing in your company. Just do your job and don't compromise your work ethic.

I guess denial ain't just a river in Egypt...what kind of intellect wastes their time doing the pharma sales "job?" Puhleeeze Mr. Professional work ethic...spare us your sanctity.

Some of us (me), do work 7:45-5:15 on the road, everyday, as well as 1-2 hours a day in the office, and even a few hours (on occasion) on the weekend.

It's called work ethic and being professional.

Those that claim that its only pharmaceutical reps that do the 15-20 hour week...well, that is BS too. ANY sales job with minimal supervision is going to have people that want to skate with a 15-20 hour work week.

The mindset of the pharmaceutical sales rep needs to change. Don't pay attention what other lazy people are doing in your company. Just do your job and don't compromise your work ethic.

Lying out of work bitch bum ! You're on here all day Just a Bitch R/D nut From NC.

I guess denial ain't just a river in Egypt...what kind of intellect wastes their time doing the pharma sales "job?" Puhleeeze Mr. Professional work ethic...spare us your sanctity.

Fuck off. Fcking douchebag. I swear, you ungrateful asswipe. You and others on here complain making your six-figure salary, company car, gas covered, healthcare, dental, reasonable bonus, being able to work your own hours and have some autonomy within a given geography versus punching in on some time-clock and working in a cubicle for Enterprise. It truly amazes me the smug dirtbags on here that complain about how useless this job is and how "unintelligent" and "stupid" this job is. Good fucking riddance...Quit then. Go try and find a job making this kind of money and perks and then come back to us and tell us the sob story that there isn't much out there unless you are a doctor, lawyer or a genius with stock trading and investing.

Such whiny, unappreciative assholes on CP....You don't like somebody that puts a little effort in this job and actually works versus dickwads like yourself who probably sit at home counting his pubes (if you have any)...Just fed up with the most ungracious, unappreciative bunch of teeny boppers that wouldn't know a good gig if it hit them in the face...


Some of us (me), do work 7:45-5:15 on the road, everyday, as well as 1-2 hours a day in the office, and even a few hours (on occasion) on the weekend.

It's called work ethic and being professional.

Those that claim that its only pharmaceutical reps that do the 15-20 hour week...well, that is BS too. ANY sales job with minimal supervision is going to have people that want to skate with a 15-20 hour work week.

The mindset of the pharmaceutical sales rep needs to change. Don't pay attention what other lazy people are doing in your company. Just do your job and don't compromise your work ethic.

A 15-20 hour work week? I agree with you, total BS. Who wants or actually needs to work that many hours? 2x4 is really all you need. Take care and be well my friends! Fore.......


The 2x4 Guy
AKA The 15x15 Guy

Fuck off. Fcking douchebag. I swear, you ungrateful asswipe. You and others on here complain making your six-figure salary, company car, gas covered, healthcare, dental, reasonable bonus, being able to work your own hours and have some autonomy within a given geography versus punching in on some time-clock and working in a cubicle for Enterprise. It truly amazes me the smug dirtbags on here that complain about how useless this job is and how "unintelligent" and "stupid" this job is. Good fucking riddance...Quit then. Go try and find a job making this kind of money and perks and then come back to us and tell us the sob story that there isn't much out there unless you are a doctor, lawyer or a genius with stock trading and investing.

Such whiny, unappreciative assholes on CP....You don't like somebody that puts a little effort in this job and actually works versus dickwads like yourself who probably sit at home counting his pubes (if you have any)...Just fed up with the most ungracious, unappreciative bunch of teeny boppers that wouldn't know a good gig if it hit them in the face...


your shallowness is so apparent in your line about "go find a job making this kind of money." Is that all you care about? You sound like a porn star or stripper? In it for the money regardless of the lack of dignity involved or lack of ethics…you are the fucktard my friend…And oh…by the way… I did quit and life is much better, aside from not being able to take the fun vacations every year…Go do your "job" deli boy.

your shallowness is so apparent in your line about "go find a job making this kind of money." Is that all you care about? You sound like a porn star or stripper? In it for the money regardless of the lack of dignity involved or lack of ethics…you are the fucktard my friend…And oh…by the way… I did quit and life is much better, aside from not being able to take the fun vacations every year…Go do your "job" deli boy.

I will happily deliver my daily deli while making well over 165k and taking multiple vacations a year. I look upon you lowlife scum as emesis of a wild Saturday evening or a heady dump after an evening of baked beans.

Fuck off. Fcking douchebag. I swear, you ungrateful asswipe. You and others on here complain making your six-figure salary, company car, gas covered, healthcare, dental, reasonable bonus, being able to work your own hours and have some autonomy within a given geography versus punching in on some time-clock and working in a cubicle for Enterprise. It truly amazes me the smug dirtbags on here that complain about how useless this job is and how "unintelligent" and "stupid" this job is. Good fucking riddance...Quit then. Go try and find a job making this kind of money and perks and then come back to us and tell us the sob story that there isn't much out there unless you are a doctor, lawyer or a genius with stock trading and investing.

Such whiny, unappreciative assholes on CP....You don't like somebody that puts a little effort in this job and actually works versus dickwads like yourself who probably sit at home counting his pubes (if you have any)...Just fed up with the most ungracious, unappreciative bunch of teeny boppers that wouldn't know a good gig if it hit them in the face...


Awwww is the kitty troll all mad and puffy ? Just because you couldn't rebound after you were
tossed, doesn't mean real men can't go out and find similar work for same pay ! Merck kicked you out the door, you landed on your ass and couldn't get up How's that car wash job
or that burger flipping job you work ? AHH HAA you punk loser

your shallowness is so apparent in your line about "go find a job making this kind of money." Is that all you care about? You sound like a porn star or stripper? In it for the money regardless of the lack of dignity involved or lack of ethics…you are the fucktard my friend…And oh…by the way… I did quit and life is much better, aside from not being able to take the fun vacations every year…Go do your "job" deli boy.

Your BOTH F'kd Up troll Losers