Have You Noticed The Experienced Reps Love Contract, The Young And Ignorant Hate It.


Hey hotshots. Look who is ranked higher than you. Look who won President's Club last year. Look who is taking 6 weeks vacation and traveling this year. Look who is enjoying their job and not freaking out over every little thing. Look who has a fat bank account and doesn't feel underpaid or overworked. Look who will continue to be employed. Look in the mirror. It isn't YOU !!


Re: Have You Noticed The Experienced Reps Love Contract, The Young And Ignorant Hate

Hey hotshots. Look who is ranked higher than you. Look who won President's Club last year. Look who is taking 6 weeks vacation and traveling this year. Look who is enjoying their job and not freaking out over every little thing. Look who has a fat bank account and doesn't feel underpaid or overworked. Look who will continue to be employed. Look in the mirror. It isn't YOU !!

You are a old fart and lazy. You will be canned. Old ones dont move fast enough or work smart. Too tired all the meds. slow you down. Its hard totin that bag at your age. Shouldn't you be out on your boad instead of gathering siggies? sad!

Re: Have You Noticed The Experienced Reps Love Contract, The Young And Ignorant Hate

Both demographics are drug reps, therefore both demographics are equally worthless in the eyes of everyone except those that continue to work inside the comfortable, yet delusional, bubble that is the pharma whorehouse.

Re: Have You Noticed The Experienced Reps Love Contract, The Young And Ignorant Hate

Wow. That really hurts. Now I feel awful about myself and my career. WRONG!

Hey dipshit - go read the thread about people posting on here WHO DO NOT WORK FOR VENTIV!! Why do assholes like you think (incorrectly) that you are better or have a better job than we do? Couldn't even get an interview with us so now you're bitter?

Re: Have You Noticed The Experienced Reps Love Contract, The Young And Ignorant Hate

Wow. That really hurts. Now I feel awful about myself and my career. WRONG!

Hey dipshit - go read the thread about people posting on here WHO DO NOT WORK FOR VENTIV!! Why do assholes like you think (incorrectly) that you are better or have a better job than we do? Couldn't even get an interview with us so now you're bitter?

spoken like a true temp. Hey were all temps, and in this mess together. Calm down honey. Sometimes we just have to accept we are not as successful as others. I have come to that conclusion, time you do too.

Re: Have You Noticed The Experienced Reps Love Contract, The Young And Ignorant Hate

Wow. That really hurts. Now I feel awful about myself and my career. WRONG!

Hey dipshit - go read the thread about people posting on here WHO DO NOT WORK FOR VENTIV!! Why do assholes like you think (incorrectly) that you are better or have a better job than we do? Couldn't even get an interview with us so now you're bitter?


Anyone who thinks that being a drug rep, for any company, is a career is stupid enough to deserve what is coming to them. You're hilarious......

Re: Have You Noticed The Experienced Reps Love Contract, The Young And Ignorant Hate

OK. Even though you're mocking me, my job and my career, you've peaked my curiosity. You're prowling around on a pharma site and bashing us for being pharma, implying that YOU have got it all figured out and are in a different industry.

So exactly what is it that you do that makes you think you're so superior to us?

Re: Have You Noticed The Experienced Reps Love Contract, The Young And Ignorant Hate

OK. Even though you're mocking me, my job and my career, you've peaked my curiosity. You're prowling around on a pharma site and bashing us for being pharma, implying that YOU have got it all figured out and are in a different industry.

So exactly what is it that you do that makes you think you're so superior to us?

Well for one thing sweetheart, I am not stupid enough to think that 75K people rolling around costing publicly traded companies 150K/year in salary and benefits, only to collect signatures and drop off samples; is somehow conducive to a long term "career." So, right off the bat I have to consider the level of idiot that I am dealing with in you; and acknowledge that your complete lack of awareness of your current situation is evidence of your lack of intelligence. (Hence your "career," I suppose...........)

But since you asked, I will share. I needed about a year long bridge that afforded my the luxury of having a guaranteed income and benefits, but didn't require me to work more than 15 hours a week. I have another business that I have been working for a few years, and I needed a year long cushion because of a life situation. That simple. Working for this ridiculous CSO was pathetically easy to get, and even pathetically easier to act out on a daily (at least on paper) basis.

Sooooo, if you think that you have a career with this or any pharma company, then you are a fool and I am indeed "superior" to you. Does that answer your question?

Re: Have You Noticed The Experienced Reps Love Contract, The Young And Ignorant Hate

oh yessuh massa boss man. now i see the light. I'z so sorry to have bother such a powaful and smart man. I shudda knowd someone so gret would have masserd how to work the systum and walk over poor common folk like we'uns.

I'z sorry to be such a fool and botha you massa. I swea I'll just be quiet and behave. Maybe some dey I'll be smart as you and can cheat me some folks mysef so i'z can get me a real career like you massa.

Re: Have You Noticed The Experienced Reps Love Contract, The Young And Ignorant Hate

spoken like a true temp. Hey were all temps, and in this mess together. Calm down honey. Sometimes we just have to accept we are not as successful as others. I have come to that conclusion, time you do too.

You are smart to realize it and take this job for what it is or ISNT.

Re: Have You Noticed The Experienced Reps Love Contract, The Young And Ignorant Hate

oh yessuh massa boss man. now i see the light. I'z so sorry to have bother such a powaful and smart man. I shudda knowd someone so gret would have masserd how to work the systum and walk over poor common folk like we'uns.

I'z sorry to be such a fool and botha you massa. I swea I'll just be quiet and behave. Maybe some dey I'll be smart as you and can cheat me some folks mysef so i'z can get me a real career like you massa.

Don't feel bad shitbag. I hear Mickey-D's will be hiring 50K people. Given your thought that pharma sales is a career, you should be ideally suited from an intellectual standpoint. Doesn't your dumb ass have some territory routing to do, or something like that............?

Re: Have You Noticed The Experienced Reps Love Contract, The Young And Ignorant Hate

We aren't in Kansas anymore. Wakeup! Pharma has changed. Many years ago in the US contract jobs were for people to cut their teeth, so that they could move on to BIG PHARMA. Many ineffective reps got by with dropping samples and gathering signatures. That is so far from the reality of today. Every BIG PHARMA or contract opening gets hundreds, if not thousands of responses and many applicants are over qualified. I started as a contract rep at the beginning of my career and moved on to BIG PHARMA after much thought (I had been a top performing contract rep for 4 years). I did't notice that my coworkers in BIG PHARMA were any better, smarter or more professional than my former contract coworkers. I spent many years in the biggest of BIG PHARMA and worked my way up the ladder. Every year there were layoffs, reorganizations and while I kept my job, I landed in a different territory or division, selling different products, with new managers and different group of coworkers or worse new podmates. Not to mention, having to go home and face my computer for hours after 5pm. I have be on a performing contract now for three years and it is wonderful. I do work as hard during the day as I did for prior companies. I have had the same products and worked for the with the same division. Not to mention, the last group that they hired were highly experienced top performing, specialty and hospital reps from BIG PHARMA, just like me. Also, the company contracting us laid off their own reps to hire contractors to replace them. The starting pay was competitive, the morale building and appreciation level is great. No one here feels like a number.

No one, especially BIG PHARMA can feel totally secure in this economy. Get off your throne, before someone knocks you off. True success, comes from being able to survive and thrive no matter what kind of economy exist.

Re: Have You Noticed The Experienced Reps Love Contract, The Young And Ignorant Hate

We aren't in Kansas anymore. Wakeup! Pharma has changed. Many years ago in the US contract jobs were for people to cut their teeth, so that they could move on to BIG PHARMA. Many ineffective reps got by with dropping samples and gathering signatures. That is so far from the reality of today. Every BIG PHARMA or contract opening gets hundreds, if not thousands of responses and many applicants are over qualified. I started as a contract rep at the beginning of my career and moved on to BIG PHARMA after much thought (I had been a top performing contract rep for 4 years). I did't notice that my coworkers in BIG PHARMA were any better, smarter or more professional than my former contract coworkers. I spent many years in the biggest of BIG PHARMA and worked my way up the ladder. Every year there were layoffs, reorganizations and while I kept my job, I landed in a different territory or division, selling different products, with new managers and different group of coworkers or worse new podmates. Not to mention, having to go home and face my computer for hours after 5pm. I have be on a performing contract now for three years and it is wonderful. I do work as hard during the day as I did for prior companies. I have had the same products and worked for the with the same division. Not to mention, the last group that they hired were highly experienced top performing, specialty and hospital reps from BIG PHARMA, just like me. Also, the company contracting us laid off their own reps to hire contractors to replace them. The starting pay was competitive, the morale building and appreciation level is great. No one here feels like a number.

No one, especially BIG PHARMA can feel totally secure in this economy. Get off your throne, before someone knocks you off. True success, comes from being able to survive and thrive no matter what kind of economy exist.

maybe you got fired because you can't spell. dumb ****** temp.