Have you lost respect for your surgeons?


I've never worked for a company that thought constant turnover was a great idea. Physicians generally don't tolerate a constant influx of new people. ISI surgeons seem to take it however ISI wants to give it without ever talking back to regional management. What gives?

Or maybe the thread should read, "how can I respect myself" knowing I sell a product that provides excessive cost, anesthesia with little to no clincal benefit outside of the prostate?

Or maybe the thread should read, "how can I respect myself" knowing I sell a product that provides excessive cost, anesthesia with little to no clincal benefit outside of the prostate?

Yeah, god forbid you get tonsillary cancer and have to get your face split in half to get the ca out. The added cost of using the robot for this is complete overkill.

All you need to do to remove TONSILS is to open your mouth. Perhaps this post should be 'have your doctors lost respect for you'.

You are such a clinical simpleton. You should understand what you are talking about before posting.

Oral Robootic Surgery offers one of the biggest clinical benefits to the patient vs. many other robotic procedures. Have a family member diagnosed with deep tounge base or tonsilary cancer and listen close to the surgeon as he/she explains their surgical options. Not Pretty!!!