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Have you ever thought of getting out of sales


I'm 41 and been in sales my whole career. Started out as commission based recruiter, did pharma for a couple of years and do advertising sales now. Im really sick of sales I am bored out of my mind. I feel like every company in every industry is trying to do anything but pay salespeople commission. I've heard medical device sales is a good sales job but have heard commissions are not as great in that anymore either.
What to do? feel like im in a mid life crisis and sick of being a cold calling hack!!

I'm 41 and been in sales my whole career. Started out as commission based recruiter, did pharma for a couple of years and do advertising sales now. Im really sick of sales I am bored out of my mind. I feel like every company in every industry is trying to do anything but pay salespeople commission. I've heard medical device sales is a good sales job but have heard commissions are not as great in that anymore either.
What to do? feel like im in a mid life crisis and sick of being a cold calling hack!!

In medical device now and have a nice base salary and get another 6 grand a so per month in commission. not a bad gig.

I've applied like crazy to companies like Medline, hill rom, mckesson, cardinal etc. I never hear anything back. I'm thinking because I went into advertising sales it is holding me back even though it is highly competitive and you really have to work. Also think there are many people that already have the experience that get those jobs first, seems tough to get in
I have to just keep plugging away; I've also thought about dental sales as well

I've applied like crazy to companies like Medline, hill rom, mckesson, cardinal etc. I never hear anything back. I'm thinking because I went into advertising sales it is holding me back even though it is highly competitive and you really have to work. Also think there are many people that already have the experience that get those jobs first, seems tough to get in
I have to just keep plugging away; I've also thought about dental sales as well

Once you get about 5-10 years of solid sales experience, then it all comes down to who you know...

its not about talent anymore.

As for people with less than 5 years, its more about companies getting you cheap and taking advantage of you by working you like a pig and paying you shit.

just me 2 cents.