Have PC reps done the downsize math in their local area?


i calc 6 positions cut between the 2 districts that overlap in my neck of the woods...(diabetes..sleep.. asthma .. endo) that doesn't include the overlay hosp reps ...
trying to be positive but it's gonna be close. I really don't know how proximity to territories plays... if it's a one size fits all "yard stick" .. in dense places like cali or the northeast .... traffic can make 7 miles feel like 70 miles..


i calc 6 positions cut between the 2 districts that overlap in my neck of the woods...(diabetes..sleep.. asthma .. endo) that doesn't include the overlay hosp reps ...
trying to be positive but it's gonna be close. I really don't know how proximity to territories plays... if it's a one size fits all "yard stick" .. in dense places like cali or the northeast .... traffic can make 7 miles feel like 70 miles..

I've been in this wait by the phone scenaro more times than I can count. The only thing I can confirm is mapping distance is linear. In other words, the outside agency uses mileage without any regard to landmarks. What looks like a simple 60 miles to an account can be a 3 hour drive because they don't look at topography like bays, mountains and where highways are. Had a friend in Maryland that got a NYC territory years ago and he ended up quitting. Mileage on a map made it look like an hour commute, in reality it was 3 hours each way. I'm wondering if someone gets placed this round in an obscene geography if they are immediately allowed to claim hardship and get a severance.

No because we each had a CHOICE as to whether or not we wanted to opt in or opt out. If a territory seemed too difficult to get to and from it shouldn’t have been a choice that you opted in for.

No because we each had a CHOICE as to whether or not we wanted to opt in or opt out. If a territory seemed too difficult to get to and from it shouldn’t have been a choice that you opted in for.

A mere 14 business days left until your fake career ends, no more pharma playground. Now you will enter the real world, have to work like real Americans and work an honest days work. This will be a huge shock for the moms that gamed the system for years, starting late, cutting out early, manipulating vacation days, using fleet vehicles for kiddo duty, expecting high pay and bonus for a job that should be 10 bucks an hour at most. Reps/ctl's here are so arrogant thinking they will simply get another pharma job, ain't gonna happen folks. Many will end up working retail, rental car companies, hotels, etc. Nothing wrong with that except you will earn 4k per month, no bonus, car or much time off. Get ready to click in and out and work with your boss everyday. Those harping on this site about their ctl's will realize how good they had it here only being with their ctl 7 hours per month. It's obvious the panic period has passed, now we are in staging. Two weeks from now we will be in reality. Also just heard at hq cars will now be picked up asap if not placed, too much risk and if reps aren't in the field they don't require a car. December is the worst time for both job and car shopping. I hope everyone has plenty of liquor on hand, December is going to be tough. January will be the worst, all the merriment over and all your friends back to work. You? Sitting at home on a winter day looking at job boards along with thousands of other unemployed reps-managers, all fighting for scraps.

A mere 14 business days left until your fake career ends, no more pharma playground. Now you will enter the real world, have to work like real Americans and work an honest days work. This will be a huge shock for the moms that gamed the system for years, starting late, cutting out early, manipulating vacation days, using fleet vehicles for kiddo duty, expecting high pay and bonus for a job that should be 10 bucks an hour at most. Reps/ctl's here are so arrogant thinking they will simply get another pharma job, ain't gonna happen folks. Many will end up working retail, rental car companies, hotels, etc. Nothing wrong with that except you will earn 4k per month, no bonus, car or much time off. Get ready to click in and out and work with your boss everyday. Those harping on this site about their ctl's will realize how good they had it here only being with their ctl 7 hours per month. It's obvious the panic period has passed, now we are in staging. Two weeks from now we will be in reality. Also just heard at hq cars will now be picked up asap if not placed, too much risk and if reps aren't in the field they don't require a car. December is the worst time for both job and car shopping. I hope everyone has plenty of liquor on hand, December is going to be tough. January will be the worst, all the merriment over and all your friends back to work. You? Sitting at home on a winter day looking at job boards along with thousands of other unemployed reps-managers, all fighting for scraps.
Everything you cite is of course correct and frankly just overstating the obvious aspects of this job for the past couple of decades. What is equally comical is the fact that there exists a (high priced) management structure that oversees this mental masturbatory cluster F*&K which will now be laid bare.

stop being such a downer, I'm so sick of the people that have nothing better to do than rant online.

We all worked so hard for this company at one time that we earned these less busy years. I remember being out three sometimes four nights a week after working hard all day. I remember the weekends, all that admin so stop right now. This is hard for all of us and we will all survive. We had real jobs so take your complaints some where else. You are a miserable horrible excuse for an adult.

stop being such a downer, I'm so sick of the people that have nothing better to do than rant online.

We all worked so hard for this company at one time that we earned these less busy years. I remember being out three sometimes four nights a week after working hard all day. I remember the weekends, all that admin so stop right now. This is hard for all of us and we will all survive. We had real jobs so take your complaints some where else. You are a miserable horrible excuse for an adult.
You haven’t worked hard in over a decade. Working late nights? You were home all day when you had a program at night. Work weekends? Please

stop being such a downer, I'm so sick of the people that have nothing better to do than rant online.

We all worked so hard for this company at one time that we earned these less busy years. I remember being out three sometimes four nights a week after working hard all day. I remember the weekends, all that admin so stop right now. This is hard for all of us and we will all survive. We had real jobs so take your complaints some where else. You are a miserable horrible excuse for an adult.
Hanging drywall or ironing out complex supply chain issues for a delivery company is work. Color coding physician spread sheets with a highlighter, practicing silly marketing messages or pre-call planning for customers who will not see you can hardly be called work. Yes, there is a lot of inane process tasks associated with the pharma gig but that's only because they need something to replace the down time of a job that no longer exists

stop being such a downer, I'm so sick of the people that have nothing better to do than rant online.

We all worked so hard for this company at one time that we earned these less busy years. I remember being out three sometimes four nights a week after working hard all day. I remember the weekends, all that admin so stop right now. This is hard for all of us and we will all survive. We had real jobs so take your complaints some where else. You are a miserable horrible excuse for an adult.

I love your redundant words "I remember". That is the problem with delislingers, living in the past. Get out your resume from your floppy disk, dust off your Seats suit and get with the times. The so called night work you reference was settling the bar tab at a dinner lecture, your so called weekend work was sitting at a booth handing out pens and pads. 3rd grader work.

A mere 14 business days left until your fake career ends, no more pharma playground. Now you will enter the real world, have to work like real Americans and work an honest days work. This will be a huge shock for the moms that gamed the system for years, starting late, cutting out early, manipulating vacation days, using fleet vehicles for kiddo duty, expecting high pay and bonus for a job that should be 10 bucks an hour at most. Reps/ctl's here are so arrogant thinking they will simply get another pharma job, ain't gonna happen folks. Many will end up working retail, rental car companies, hotels, etc. Nothing wrong with that except you will earn 4k per month, no bonus, car or much time off. Get ready to click in and out and work with your boss everyday. Those harping on this site about their ctl's will realize how good they had it here only being with their ctl 7 hours per month. It's obvious the panic period has passed, now we are in staging. Two weeks from now we will be in reality. Also just heard at hq cars will now be picked up asap if not placed, too much risk and if reps aren't in the field they don't require a car. December is the worst time for both job and car shopping. I hope everyone has plenty of liquor on hand, December is going to be tough. January will be the worst, all the merriment over and all your friends back to work. You? Sitting at home on a winter day looking at job boards along with thousands of other unemployed reps-managers, all fighting for scraps.

Truer words were never spoken! Those exiting Merck with get the equivalent of a huge punch in the gut when they see what working a real job in the real world entails...I have to take ownership of the fact that I became lazy, complacent, and unrealistic in my fake pharma job, and quite frankly it turned out to be a disastrous "career" choice.

Now in my late '50s, can't get hired anywhere (Involuntary retirement) and having to sell everything that is not nailed down to keep afloat...

Advice to you the youngins'...Get yourself back to school or into another line of work stat...

it gets fugly when you are older trust me...

A mere 14 business days left until your fake career ends, no more pharma playground. Now you will enter the real world, have to work like real Americans and work an honest days work. This will be a huge shock for the moms that gamed the system for years, starting late, cutting out early, manipulating vacation days, using fleet vehicles for kiddo duty, expecting high pay and bonus for a job that should be 10 bucks an hour at most. Reps/ctl's here are so arrogant thinking they will simply get another pharma job, ain't gonna happen folks. Many will end up working retail, rental car companies, hotels, etc. Nothing wrong with that except you will earn 4k per month, no bonus, car or much time off. Get ready to click in and out and work with your boss everyday. Those harping on this site about their ctl's will realize how good they had it here only being with their ctl 7 hours per month. It's obvious the panic period has passed, now we are in staging. Two weeks from now we will be in reality. Also just heard at hq cars will now be picked up asap if not placed, too much risk and if reps aren't in the field they don't require a car. December is the worst time for both job and car shopping. I hope everyone has plenty of liquor on hand, December is going to be tough. January will be the worst, all the merriment over and all your friends back to work. You? Sitting at home on a winter day looking at job boards along with thousands of other unemployed reps-managers, all fighting for scraps.

Spot on post. Just being realistic.

A mere 14 business days left until your fake career ends, no more pharma playground. Now you will enter the real world, have to work like real Americans and work an honest days work. This will be a huge shock for the moms that gamed the system for years, starting late, cutting out early, manipulating vacation days, using fleet vehicles for kiddo duty, expecting high pay and bonus for a job that should be 10 bucks an hour at most. Reps/ctl's here are so arrogant thinking they will simply get another pharma job, ain't gonna happen folks. Many will end up working retail, rental car companies, hotels, etc. Nothing wrong with that except you will earn 4k per month, no bonus, car or much time off. Get ready to click in and out and work with your boss everyday. Those harping on this site about their ctl's will realize how good they had it here only being with their ctl 7 hours per month. It's obvious the panic period has passed, now we are in staging. Two weeks from now we will be in reality. Also just heard at hq cars will now be picked up asap if not placed, too much risk and if reps aren't in the field they don't require a car. December is the worst time for both job and car shopping. I hope everyone has plenty of liquor on hand, December is going to be tough. January will be the worst, all the merriment over and all your friends back to work. You? Sitting at home on a winter day looking at job boards along with thousands of other unemployed reps-managers, all fighting for scraps.

Hey everybody, I just got a delivery job with Amazon!!

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