Constant emails, texts, multiple conference calls weekly. Is this an individual thing and my manager hates their personal life if they have one? Or is this direction from the new VP? This is getting out of hand.
Constant emails, texts, multiple conference calls weekly. Is this an individual thing and my manager hates their personal life if they have one? Or is this direction from the new VP? This is getting out of hand.
Constant emails, texts, multiple conference calls weekly. Is this an individual thing and my manager hates their personal life if they have one? Or is this direction from the new VP? This is getting out of hand.
Its the direction of new Sales VP. She is a nightmare for the managers to deal with. Cant wait for September POAs to see everyone jumping at her beck and call. Pathetic leadership and it starts at the very top.
Is the female manager still there from San Francisco? cant remember her name, but she was one whom you might suspect fits the SF lifestyle....., sorry Im really not trying to be rude, just curious .
Management is out of control.. The company needs to hear some of the things going on.. At a compliance level, HR, and Right to the executive leader.. i cannot imagine that illegality is tolerated or encouraged.. I thing managers- not all, but most companies have a training course for mgt. I can think of a few that need immediate retraining.. It is hurting the company and there is a huge lack in integrity for sure
I had two recruiters tell me about this job. The first one was a prick from Tampa who said this is the latest and greatest. Medical sales recruiters are worse than politicians and used car salesman. This job would be fine if the expectations were on the conservative side at launch. Now that managers have been instructed to ride the SH%T out of their reps, no one wants to work here. Hey manager, just approve my expense report and stay the FU%K out of my territory while I look for another job.