
It will cost you a 100 bucks or so but IT IS SO IMPORTANT TO HAVE YOUR LAWYER ON THE PHONE CALL!!!! Why do you think Novartis has HR on the call? If they screw up or lie to you you will be in a much stronger position. Make sure you tell them upfront at the beginning of the call that your employment lawyer is on the phone. This has saved my ass twice in the past and also many of my friends. Best of luck to everyone!!!


It will cost you a 100 bucks or so but IT IS SO IMPORTANT TO HAVE YOUR LAWYER ON THE PHONE CALL!!!! Why do you think Novartis has HR on the call? If they screw up or lie to you you will be in a much stronger position. Make sure you tell them upfront at the beginning of the call that your employment lawyer is on the phone. This has saved my ass twice in the past and also many of my friends. Best of luck to everyone!!!

What phone call are you referring? If it's when your manager calls to tell you that you don't have a job, then they read from a script

It will cost you a 100 bucks or so but IT IS SO IMPORTANT TO HAVE YOUR LAWYER ON THE PHONE CALL!!!! Why do you think Novartis has HR on the call? If they screw up or lie to you you will be in a much stronger position. Make sure you tell them upfront at the beginning of the call that your employment lawyer is on the phone. This has saved my ass twice in the past and also many of my friends. Best of luck to everyone!!!

You have no recourse and no reason to have an attorney on the line...they have it all figured out. Save your money and take the very nice severance.

You have no recourse and no reason to have an attorney on the line...they have it all figured out. Save your money and take the very nice severance.

You do not have to accept the severence. You can fight them in local court. This means they need to come to your local court or make a settlement.

You do not have to accept the severence. You can fight them in local court. This means they need to come to your local court or make a settlement.

Oh please. Just give it up. Take your measley severance and go home. In the big scheme of things, what's a few thousand dollars? Go ahead. Fight them. You just need to realize that even though you might be right, they are big. Bigger than you'll ever be. Save yourself some time, money and heartache. It just ain't worth it.

Oh please. Just give it up. Take your measley severance and go home. In the big scheme of things, what's a few thousand dollars? Go ahead. Fight them. You just need to realize that even though you might be right, they are big. Bigger than you'll ever be. Save yourself some time, money and heartache. It just ain't worth it.

I think that was the same thing said to the plaintiffs in the Valdez case and look how good that turned out for Novartis. Sometimes the little guy has to fight for what is right.

I am a manager & let people go last time. We did spend the day prior to the calls on the phone with HR doing training on how to let people go, but there were no HR people on the line when we made the calls. I think they are doing the same thing. There are not enough HR people for the large number being let go.

I am a manager & let people go last time. We did spend the day prior to the calls on the phone with HR doing training on how to let people go, but there were no HR people on the line when we made the calls. I think they are doing the same thing. There are not enough HR people for the large number being let go.

HR will be getting the same calls. There will be a downsizing among those fools as well.

Forget about fighting for what is right. I was ternminated and I might add for just cause, and still settled out of court for big bucks. Novartis has tons of cash and doesn't have enough resources to fulfill all of its legal obligations. Get every penny you can, Novartis has lots more where that came from.

I think that was the same thing said to the plaintiffs in the Valdez case and look how good that turned out for Novartis. Sometimes the little guy has to fight for what is right.

Fight for what is right? Firing your dumb ass in the most "right" thing they could do.

Since when did a company not have the right to reduce manpower when times are tough.

I but you are the same idiot who sued McDonalds when you spilled hot coffee on yourself.

Fight for what is right? Firing your dumb ass in the most "right" thing they could do.

Since when did a company not have the right to reduce manpower when times are tough.

I but you are the same idiot who sued McDonalds when you spilled hot coffee on yourself.

Companies certainly can do RIF but the way Novartis lets managers and MDs do it is very subjective. The way they give out 3s and 1s is extremely subjective. How do you give out a 3 in values and behaviors when a person is in the bottom 1% and also gets a 2 in sales. If your manager has a bias against you in any way such as age, money you earn, gender and ethnicity. That is when there is a problem.

Why would management change the ratings if it is fairly put forth? (example bottom 15%-1, middle-2 and top 15%-3 rating) It seems strange to have the ability to give ratings other than what the guidelines are. (?)

Fight for what is right? Firing your dumb ass in the most "right" thing they could do.

Since when did a company not have the right to reduce manpower when times are tough.

I but you are the same idiot who sued McDonalds when you spilled hot coffee on yourself.

Agree with your first point about companies having the right to adjust its labor force, ala employment-at-will.

However, I too believed the media's portrayal of the McDonald's Hot Coffee Case, until I actually researched the facts. I challenge you to do the same and see if you still feel the same way about Mrs. Liebeck. There was a doccumentary made called "Hot Coffee" that will reveal the truth that the media never reported. For example, as the film shows, it was widely reported that she walked away with a $2.7m jury award. In reality, the judge, through remittitur, reduced the award to less than $500k. All of this after the little old lady almost died in the hospital from complications from her injuries. She initially approached McDonald's without an attorney and asked them to simply help her pay her hospital bills above what her insurance already paid. They McDonald's had been warned by its own scientists that the temperature of its coffee was well above industry standard and was likely to cause severe burns. McDonald's ignored this warning. So, take some time and find out what really happened so you don't look so stupid when you mischaracterize the facts of this case.

Here's a review of the film:

Burned by the Courts
Scott Lemieux
July 21, 2011

The new documentary Hot Coffee explains how a lawsuit that was mocked by comedians had serious implications.


I saw the movie. They showed a picture of the burns. All the skin was gone from her thighs to her ass. They fact that mcdonalds had 1000 complaints over 5 years about the coffee being to hot did nt help their case.