So... improvement? I certainly hope so... Randy and Mary's legacy deserve it!
Who marketing and education staff should be let go.Maybe they sucked at their jobs?
Ain't no one being sold. Relax. New folks have to show they "made an impact." Hopefully without producing an actual crater.
They are being sold. Heard there is a deal on the table just needs to be some final details worked out w osteomed and micro air.You get rid of Allman but deadbeats Santana, Blake and Lisa are still kept around! Same old pathetic path to mediocrity. More things change the more they stay the same.
I think they should just go to a direct model in all of the big markets and up the price of their company and sell off to someone like Integra.They are being sold. Heard there is a deal on the table just needs to be some final details worked out w osteomed and micro air.
Nice guy but no ortho background. Doesn’t matter who you bring in we have no new products! Only thing they can do is start going direct in populated area to control the sales force the way they want to.BH announced he is leaving the company at the end of the year!
Will he be replaced by another Stryker manager?
Why Chicago? That's a very good group there!
BH announced he is leaving the company at the end of the year!
Will he be replaced by another Stryker manager?
The guy is San Fran is a fruit cake. Pays his reps shit and can’t hold on to them. Seriously, him and a dozen others who are distributors for Acumed are lucky to be where they are and a direct model is ineveitable. I guess they really should have quit their bitching when Jeff. R was around. Bottom line the beginning has already begun and is past the halfway point. Acumed used to be a company and now they are known as an old company that used to be innovated. There is nothing any of those markets can do to save the company. It’s over bro it’s just overChicago Atlanta San Fran Charlotte are carrying the ship. They all have the market for their segments. Drop their model to go direct and it is the beginning of the end.