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Has Conroy always alluded to new products that never get to market?

It’s not your imagination. Those of us that have been here since the start have heard the same thing every year.

Ive been here from the beginning, the only product that was delayed was the liver test. It's not like we had a global pandemic or anything, but CG 1.5 and CG 2.0 are on the same timeline they have been. It is your imagination, but you will deny that and find something else to whine about. Poor put upon rep that doesn't get what they want when they want. Sad.

Ive been here from the beginning, the only product that was delayed was the liver test. It's not like we had a global pandemic or anything, but CG 1.5 and CG 2.0 are on the same timeline they have been. It is your imagination, but you will deny that and find something else to whine about. Poor put upon rep that doesn't get what they want when they want. Sad.

I don’t give a shit if Exact ever launches another product. I’m not married to this company. And blaming the pandemic won’t boost the sagging stock that’s worth half of what it was last year. Keep ringing that bell and carrying exacts bucket. They won’t remember you when you are gone. In fact they won’t even remember your name.

I don’t give a shit if Exact ever launches another product. I’m not married to this company. And blaming the pandemic won’t boost the sagging stock that’s worth half of what it was last year. Keep ringing that bell and carrying exacts bucket. They won’t remember you when you are gone. In fact they won’t even remember your name.

You really do give a shit, otherwise you wouldn't be arguing. Your slip is showing