Has anyone's expense report been approved?


Several people I know are worried that their expense reports that includes their airline tickets to Dallas have not been approved yet. It was on this past Friday's expense report. Please respond if yours has or has not.

Has not been approved but that's the norm, I'm not seeing the correlation between last weeks with Dallas tickets and how long it takes them any other week. What are you getting at?

Several people I know are worried that their expense reports that includes their airline tickets to Dallas have not been approved yet. It was on this past Friday's expense report. Please respond if yours has or has not.
I was told that if you complain about it, you'll be causing problems so if they choose not to pay, then you should eat the expense if you want to keep your job. This is always an issue with this contract organization.

Those that are concerned have a mgr who always approves expense reports almost immediately. Now, they're concerned they may not actually be going to Dallas since there's been an unusual delay in the approval process.

Those that are concerned have a mgr who always approves expense reports almost immediately. Now, they're concerned they may not actually be going to Dallas since there's been an unusual delay in the approval process.

Talk about total paranoia. I mean there a million things to complain about on this contract, this is not one of them.