These lying little bitches will accuse you of doing EXACTLY what they do to you. They point the finger everywhere but inward. They are shady, lying, manipulative, ignorant and weak cnts! Don’t you find it eerie they project and make you feel like the crazy one? This piece of shit is so toxic and have burned so many good people. Instead of attacking hard working, strong, good people why don’t you learn how to do your own fckn job so you don’t feel so threatened by people who are smarter than you and run circles around your lazy asses. Maybe if you take a nice hard look in the mirror at how ugly you are inside and out you will realize you are the problem and should probably improve or exit the space. But, that would take a skill set you don’t have… self awareness. Before you open your fat nasty mouth maybe it wouldn’t hurt to make sure you’re actually decent at your job and not such a frumpy babbling idiot. Just my humble opinion …. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.