Has anybody that received BG request received rejection?


Now that some offers have apparently been made, has anybody that received BG request now received rejection letter? Just trying to figure out if all that received BG request should expect offer sometime soon or if not all BG request recipients will actually get an offer.

Im in the same boat and Im certain that I have a VERY clear background check! I have not heard anything either way!

Do you have a LinkedIn, Faceook, MySpace, Twitter, Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo or playboy account? Do you get Reader's Digest, did youhave Student's Loan,? What about mortgae? What about auto insurance? Any tiket for illegal parking? THen you are profiled. This means you are not "virgin".

If you sy no to all of the above, then we don't need you, because you are "virgin."

Well thats great to know because in fact I DO NOT have ANY of those things. Not one ticket ever in my life and I used to have a facebook account but Got rid of it. I do not use any other email besides the one from my work.

.... they have your cell phone calls ....

Never mention that you use email from work for job hunting or non-biz communication...this can absolutely ruin your chances. Just use you generic live/msn, yahoo, gmail. Lilly has extremely strict policy to not allow Lilly's Lotus Notes email system for *any* personal communication.

Did you ever snided at any of your friends, neighbors or coworkers? boss? if asked just say honestly and explain situation..but this is dangerous to answer. Lying could be instant interview killer...

Good luck, kid.