Happy or Unhappy on the Ocre team?


Are most people happy or unhappy that they joined the Ocre team. I'm beyond disappointed with how this company operates. Genentech was supposed to be "the best of the best". The company's arrogance is going to get in the way of a successful existence in the MS market. Ocre is an amazing drug and this company is going to run it into the ground. Such a shame. The clinical specialists here are nothing but primary care sales reps. So disappointing.


Are most people happy or unhappy that they joined the Ocre team. I'm beyond disappointed with how this company operates. Genentech was supposed to be "the best of the best". The company's arrogance is going to get in the way of a successful existence in the MS market. Ocre is an amazing drug and this company is going to run it into the ground. Such a shame. The clinical specialists here are nothing but primary care sales reps. So disappointing.

You are just figuring this out after more than a year here? Jeez.....

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