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Happy New Year! The 2017 RIFs are on there way!


Enbrel reps! Tony hooper says we keep losing contracts to Humira. We have no derm share and rheum is declining. I can't hike prices anymore so you I don't need as many of you guys. RIF RIF! Some of you were smart to go to Regeneron/Sanofi

CV and BCBU - if these outcomes data aren't great, we need less of you too.

Kyprolis reps - better sell or we will downsize after we assess the impact of generic velcade. These drug combos are expensive and the drug with the most alternatives are protease inhibitors with an oral and generic. Dara and Revlimid are cornsterstones with no alternative. Do whatever you can for a script or No bonus. Remember do it so we don't get caught with a compliance case.

Neph - sensipar better grow because parsabiv may not be approved. If that happens, we are looking to exit neph after sensipar is generic. RIFs in a year or two. Better look now or your ex INBU Enbrel rep will get the job you want.


Enbrel reps! Tony hooper says we keep losing contracts to Humira. We have no derm share and rheum is declining. I can't hike prices anymore so you I don't need as many of you guys. RIF RIF! Some of you were smart to go to Regeneron/Sanofi

CV and BCBU - if these outcomes data aren't great, we need less of you too.

Kyprolis reps - better sell or we will downsize after we assess the impact of generic velcade. These drug combos are expensive and the drug with the most alternatives are protease inhibitors with an oral and generic. Dara and Revlimid are cornsterstones with no alternative. Do whatever you can for a script or No bonus. Remember do it so we don't get caught with a compliance case.

Neph - sensipar better grow because parsabiv may not be approved. If that happens, we are looking to exit neph after sensipar is generic. RIFs in a year or two. Better look now or your ex INBU Enbrel rep will get the job you want.
Thanks for the heads up Brad. I hope you have a great 2017 because you deserve it.
Bob's my uncle now.

business model for last two years has little run time left
1) raise prices on legacy products. Yesterdays products overcharging actual suffering patients. Unsustainable as new innovations and generics will out compete.
2) create hostile environments for legacy staff. Save money over RIF if they leave of their own accord.
This is also unsustainable. Motivated career talent all but gone and speaking poorly of the Amgen experience. Staff replaced by zero loyalty contractors all looking for better positions.
3) lawyer game biosimilar regulation loopholes and create confusion. Doctors dislike Amgen for this greedy position. Makes money short term, but biosimilars are firming up and ready to compete in 2017.
4) mergers, acquisitions,, business development . History of failures coming home to roost. Again.

Nothing left to cut, new products not wanted, The next RIF will cut deep into the bone.

So Sad

business model for last two years has little run time left
1) raise prices on legacy products. Yesterdays products overcharging actual suffering patients. Unsustainable as new innovations and generics will out compete.
2) create hostile environments for legacy staff. Save money over RIF if they leave of their own accord.
This is also unsustainable. Motivated career talent all but gone and speaking poorly of the Amgen experience. Staff replaced by zero loyalty contractors all looking for better positions.
3) lawyer game biosimilar regulation loopholes and create confusion. Doctors dislike Amgen for this greedy position. Makes money short term, but biosimilars are firming up and ready to compete in 2017.
4) mergers, acquisitions,, business development . History of failures coming home to roost. Again.

Nothing left to cut, new products not wanted, The next RIF will cut deep into the bone.

So Sad

Kyprolis failing to meet revenue expectations. Repatha failing to meet revenue as well. The last hope for Amgen is the outcomes data which I think they will delay and stall as long as possible because once it's revealed, the potential for upside is lost. Amgen is hoping Trump allows for tax repatriation ASAP so they can make a desperation buy first before Pfizer, JnJ , and all other companies bid it up more. Amgen expecting to announce M&A in late Q1/Q2 with a Q2/Q3 close so they can reset expectations where there is potential for upside and save 2017 with some sort of revenue growth.

Really? You guys are surprised by RIFs? This is how they increase productivity. Keep you guys on your toes. This is not a non-profit company. You guys are paid to push products. Just like any other company. Sales good...keep staff. Sales bad...discard staff. True at Macy's, true at Amgen.

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