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Happy New Year...for the last time


I started with McNeil back in 1990 and will retire with Janssen next week. The last
15 years were the hardest because of the managers who should never have become
managers. They make incredibly it difficult to actually enjoy this thankless profession
because they lack the people skills and empathy to get the most out of their direct
reports. I have witnessed very talented sales reps leave for other companies or
unfairly get managed out for vindictive reasons through fear tactics.

It's true that I will be relatively comfortable financially in retirement but I will probably
regret not moving on to a better company culture when I had the chance numerous
times. I regret not speaking up when my colleagues and I were being browbeat by a
particular manager. Yes, I was a district manager 7 years but I hated the phoniness
and lies so I went back to being a rep. I do not regret that decision for a minute.

When I'm resting easy on a front porch in the Southeast, I will think about the great
friends I am leaving behind. To them and my other fellow reps: don't stay for the
promise of a pension if you hate this company or job. You will probably regret it,
like me.



Great job, amazing the OMP jnj pharma sales model still exist. I’ve been fabricating myself for at least the last 12 years. Pricara, Atlanta meeting, Chris poontang, it all really has been a joke! I’m taking the money and running shortly, holding for a severance parachute, class of 1992 here.

It is truly sad that retirement comes with regret. I, too, am I long tern J&J employee and over the last few years have been burned out and tired and hope to leave for another adventure soon.