"Hammock" Boy Meets with his Puppet Masters

Looks like we have our very own George Soros. Cool.

So what is your problem? How is what the Koch brothers do any different from what Soros does?


I threw Soros in there to help out Racist Anal Buttlicker and BrokebackChancre. I love poking the animals.

Looks like we have our very own George Soros. Cool.

So what is your problem? How is what the Koch brothers do any different from what Soros does?


I threw Soros in there to help out Racist Anal Buttlicker and BrokebackChancre. I love poking the animals.

When has Soros ever held a "strategy meeting" with democratic leaders?.........never. Your party is brough and paid for by the Cock Brothers.

Does this count idiot?


I await your further excuses.

I guess you deny that the demalqeudacrat party is bought and paid for by Soros? Do you deny it?

An elected offical going to a strategy meeting being held by Soros, no it is not. In any case not only do you have elected officals, but supreme court justices attending them as well. Both are elected to serve the people not the few well connected.

An elected offical going to a strategy meeting being held by Soros, no it is not. In any case not only do you have elected officals, but supreme court justices attending them as well. Both are elected to serve the people not the few well connected.

And again, how is this any different than what George Soros does? Isn't the whole point of our governmental system for citizens to be able to have redress with their government?

Why do you condemn the Koch brothers yet have no problem with Soros?

How is that not hypocritical?

See, me personally puddin. I don't care who spends what or tries to influence what as long as it is all transparent. Let me know who is donating to who and for how much and just make it instantly transparent. Then we all win. We don't need no stinkin rules, just transparency.

But, apparently, it is only ok for Soros to spend his billions since you support his leftist causes. Apparently you only like one party rule. Isn't that right Prudence?

BTW, did you ever explain who the IRS has jurisdiction over financial disclosure forms?


Looks like "hammock" boy is looking for someone else to leach off of, his social security "scam" worked well, and he learned at an early age how to play the system. Now all he has to do is get his knee pads our for the Koch Brothers and do their bidding to screw more people over.


You jew-hating fuck. Your buddies in the Muslime Brotherhood seem to be making in-roads in Egypt. You and basement-boy must be so happy.