Hair or Urine Test?

employment verification

Does the Forest employment verification consist of just checking your past employment, or do they get the actual start and end dates? I can't remember the actual months of a past position and I'm nervous to just put anything on my application. It can be verified that I worked there, my position and pay, but not the dates.
Anyone have a suggestion or an idea about this?

I really don't want to mess up this opportunity.

Thanks in advance!

Re: employment verification

Does the Forest employment verification consist of just checking your past employment, or do they get the actual start and end dates? I can't remember the actual months of a past position and I'm nervous to just put anything on my application. It can be verified that I worked there, my position and pay, but not the dates.
Anyone have a suggestion or an idea about this?

I really don't want to mess up this opportunity.

Thanks in advance!

Mess up this opportunity???? This place sucks!!!! Don't leave your job at Wal Mart or Enterprise.

Its a job. You stupid fool. The company sucks ass! But since you are also a fool to post such a dumb question I guess you and FRX are perfect for one another. Hair or Piss? Gimme a break you loser.

Re: employment verification

Does the Forest employment verification consist of just checking your past employment, or do they get the actual start and end dates? I can't remember the actual months of a past position and I'm nervous to just put anything on my application. It can be verified that I worked there, my position and pay, but not the dates.
Anyone have a suggestion or an idea about this?

I really don't want to mess up this opportunity.

Thanks in advance!

They do verify dates. I know because one of my dates was slightly off and it showed up "flagged" on my background check. However, since I was only off by like a month or 2, it was not a big deal. Make your best guess at the actual dates and, as long as you aren't trying to lie (like by saying you were with a company for 2 years, but you were actually only there for 1), it should be fine. Good luck. But, like the pp mentioned, it's an awful company to work for these days, so if you don't get this "opportunity" don't be too upset.

background check - dates of employment

Thanks for your response. Sorry to hear the jobs are sucking these days. Take it from one who has been struggling for 7 months after a huge layoff.... appreciate what you have because other jobs are NOT around the corner like they used to be.

When they did the background check, were you able to fill out a job app and put your info on there that they would be checking? Maybe I can put a notation on there that my dates are approximate.

thanks again!