Well, I’m still trying to figure out what this position is after it was created more than 3 years ago. From my experience, this is a useless layer of bureaucracy added to the CSR’s job. In my dealings with them, they tag on to surgeons you are training and count them towards their growth for the quarter. GSRs are supposed to work with 5 surgeons per quarter, whether they are “new” or like many GYNS “stalled” (no longer doing cases). They do not participate in the onsite training nor do they work with me on the initial learning curve with cases. Heck, they won’t even cover a case when I need them to (in the initial 10 cases). They do jump at the opportunity to tag along with me for meetings that I have worked to get scheduled and will attend my BDMs. I was working a case with a surgeon last week and he asked what (name changed for the sake of confidentially) “Bob” was doing with me last week. I explained his role, again, he didn’t seem to get it when “Bob” told him what he did every day. I have found absolutely no value in the position and I have trained a number of GYNs since the position was created. Most of the GSRs are hired from outside ISI since the majority of CSRs won’t go for the job. With GYN not moving in many parts of the country, I would not be surprised in this position is eliminated shortly. Also, like the above post mentions, look into who the GSM is. Some are a nightmare. I’m curious what other reps will have to say about the position.