GSK - The worst company in Pharma??


I think it’s safe to say GSK is at the top of the list as far as one of the worst Pharma companies. As much as management talks about how well they treat their employees, they don’t. Let’s not talk about the unrealistic bonus goals they purposely continue to set.

It’s sad they can’t get back to R&D and marketing/sales in a strong way. Everything else is fluff and extra baggage. If they poured everything into getting those 2 things right, things could turnaround.

I have worked for far worse companies.

I sold toenail fungus medicine that would blow your liver out. “Hey doc, sure Peggy Sue will be yellow from liver failure but her nails will be great after 9-10 months.”

I sold meds that would cause QT prolongation when taken with grapefruit juice.

I had a dr throw a clipboard at me when I went to pull one of my drugs off the market.

These jobs are only as good as your manager and my manager is awesome.

GSK has become a bad company to be at because they allow bad managers to flourish and continue tearing down people’s lives. They have a lot of managers described below.

“An insecure boss who thinks they know-it-all is one of the most dangerous things you can ever encounter in your career. Leaders lacking in emotional intelligence often create toxic work environments resulting in high employee turnover rates. They are the top cause of unhappiness in the workplace. True leaders create work environments where employees can flourish. They build people up versus tear them down.”

GSK has become a bad company to be at because they allow bad managers to flourish and continue tearing down people’s lives. They have a lot of managers described below.

“An insecure boss who thinks they know-it-all is one of the most dangerous things you can ever encounter in your career. Leaders lacking in emotional intelligence often create toxic work environments resulting in high employee turnover rates. They are the top cause of unhappiness in the workplace. True leaders create work environments where employees can flourish. They build people up versus tear them down.”

True. I thought my FLL was cool until things got real. Found out he is a complete dick who will happily follow orders, kiss ass, and has no balls. His reps continue to leave and the fool can’t see that it’s GSK and Him.

True. I thought my FLL was cool until things got real. Found out he is a complete dick who will happily follow orders, kiss ass, and has no balls. His reps continue to leave and the fool can’t see that it’s GSK and Him.

oh, the FLL fool you speak of certainly knows why his reps are leaving and he could give a shit. He
only cares about himself and gets pats on the back from the RVP for getting rid of the reps.

We have years of message board accuracy here calling things out that have been truly toxic that’s really happened and continues to happen.

What other companies did pop quizzes for bonuses and spun it like it was ethically motivated rather than a desperate attempt not to get their fine raised a few more billion? That’s truly a sign of the worst!

You all complain a lot. Based on what I have read here, many of you should really take it upon yourself to find a job with another company..............GSK will survive.......decide if you want to be part of the solution or the problem and then go from there. Most of what I read are from people who are part of the problem.

You all complain a lot. Based on what I have read here, many of you should really take it upon yourself to find a job with another company..............GSK will survive.......decide if you want to be part of the solution or the problem and then go from there. Most of what I read are from people who are part of the problem.
Bitch you the problem!

You all complain a lot. Based on what I have read here, many of you should really take it upon yourself to find a job with another company..............GSK will survive.......decide if you want to be part of the solution or the problem and then go from there. Most of what I read are from people who are part of the problem.

Actually you are demonstrating the problem with insensitive comments like this akin to “get with it or get out”. Long-timer here that invested blood sweat and tears for this company. I am engaged, passionate about what we do to help advocate for patients every day. Our culture is completely broken and trust has eroded for many employees. What you see on these sites are the frustrations of many hard working employees who don’t feel valued or heard. “Put up shut up” you are the problem as the biggest indicator of a lack of passion would be indicated by ambivalence. When people stop criticizing then GSK will truly be lost.