GSK Respiratory Contract


GSK reps just got a substantial increase in their target IC… If the same is not done for Syneos reps and announced soon, then we may be done a lot earlier than expected! It would only take some shuffling around for GSK reps to cover everything. Cut back to 1 rep per territory, no more than 2 for some territories. Kinda scary this time of year, but I wouldn’t mind moving on.

done over and out. quit working for contract sales force companies they are so short lived it's not worth anyone's time anymore. companies let the contract sales force go first always so once you know that learn your lesson.

done over and out. quit working for contract sales force companies they are so short lived it's not worth anyone's time anymore. companies let the contract sales force go first always so once you know that learn your lesson.

100 percent agree.

These contract companies are not loyal either. You can do a great job, stick with the contract til the end, and they still give you a difficult time in future interviews, for new contacts.

July... I'm gonna say July.

I hope so! Let us know by the end of May and it can be effective July 1 (start of Q3). I hate leaving because you give up your bonus. I also would be okay with staying on at Syneos, but on another contract. Either way, if they end this thing we still get our bonus and can hopefully have something else lined up.

But as many of us as there are, I believe they need us. Even if they realign or merge Nucala and Trelegy teams, they're still going to need some several Syneos reps too.

I am interviewing for backfill next week. I am told the new RSV vaccine will be added to the product portfolio when it is hopefully approved in Q2. How is this contract? My last one with Syneos was a few years ago. Any idea about salary/bonus or training details?

I interviewed for one of the GSK vaccine/Trelegy positions yesterday and had the confirmation interview at the end of the day. Does anyone know what salary they are going offer? The recruiter was really vague about it because I have almost 20 years of experience.

I interviewed for one of the GSK vaccine/Trelegy positions yesterday and had the confirmation interview at the end of the day. Does anyone know what salary they are going offer? The recruiter was really vague about it because I have almost 20 years of experience.
I think it’s mid 70s-mid 80s . I passed on the interview

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