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GSK Oncology Reps-Bye Bye


Very insensitive post...Honestly I was ASHAMED at the way we ked the GSK repa on then did layoffs....why didnt they ask for colunteers from both companies...really demoralizing for everyone

There have been plenty of GSK oncology reps that were selected. And in the event they weren't selected for an oncology role, they can either post for other NVS positions or take severance.

The class act was the GSK reps who stayed until March 2nd then resigned on the 3rd so they could get their retention bonus. They didn't even stay long enough to find out if they might get a severance, which was discovered two days later! Brilliant move!

You've also got GSK ONC reps filing for 'hardships' so they can get out of their selection and receive a severance.

The herd will cull itself. And Novartis will be better for it.

About time to thin the GSK herd that just joined us, when does the culling begin?

Sorry to all, wasn'tmeant to be insensitive just facts.
We were promised a lot and got to Novartis and then pushed out.
I should have known better, especially with Novartis reputation of layoffs.
Good luck to all.

Unfortunate that they are making many actually work during the 60 day warn period. GSK didn't do that.

If you weren't selected for an Oncology role, you have nothing to do, other than the mandatory compliance training, which took maybe 1-2 days to complete. So I don't see how NVS could give the displaced workers anything to do until they know what role they will ultimately fill. Or in the event the employee has declined to be part of the placement process, there's absolutely nothing he or she has to do except wait for severance.

This integration has been handled horribly. From the start, NVS placed everyone without any interview process. Now, its a complete cluster where you have people who planned to jump ship resigning after two weeks. Why not initially list the open positions and allow people to post for them, and also give the option of notifying for a preference of severance? You're going to be paying severance for a significant number of people anyway, so why create this situation where you've got turnover churning again and again. Some of us took NVS at its word, and were genuinely interested in joining the company. Others were hoping for severance so they could move on. Let the herd do some of its own sorting.

Meanwhile, those who weren't initially selected are being told they can backfill the roles as they re-open.

The only thing that makes sense is that this was an attrition strategy. Create uncertainty and people will go elsewhere, and its likely that there will be vacancies left over to reduce the size of the sales force. (Which is too large and will likely get downsized in 1-2 years anyway)

Since day one of this mess Novartis kept saying to GSK "we want the people, we want the people". What complete and unmitigated dishonesty. What Novartis wanted was the brands (to help - at least somewhat - to make up for Gleevec going generic) and SOME of the sales force....that's about it.

Can someone PLEEEZE tell me when Hanover is going to send some actual selling pieces? Training was crap. Then you take our materials with GSK on it and give us nothing but the PI to sell with for weeks? I am sooo disappointed. Thought Novartis would have its shit together compared to GSK. But this is such F*&&^^% joke!

Can someone PLEEEZE tell me when Hanover is going to send some actual selling pieces? Training was crap. Then you take our materials with GSK on it and give us nothing but the PI to sell with for weeks? I am sooo disappointed. Thought Novartis would have its shit together compared to GSK. But this is such F*&&^^% joke!

I cannot believe how disorganized this division is. GSK at least had its act together when it came to training and operations. Now, take this Novartis cluster and throw in managers who came over from GSK that are just as lost as the sales reps....just a huge mess.

I cannot believe how disorganized this division is. GSK at least had its act together when it came to training and operations. Now, take this Novartis cluster and throw in managers who came over from GSK that are just as lost as the sales reps....just a huge mess.

No selling materials! 3 days of useless training! No call direction! No F-ing bonus plan until Q3! WTF? This is the famous, world-class, awesome, amazing, wish-we-could-be-like-them Novartis? What a let down. I want out.

I often wonder how such a dysfunctional company can make drugs that cure, help people....the FDA should really do more audits to test the efficacy of drugs sold in the open market....

That was a pretty dumb post. If you want to say something about the transtion, go ahead and say it.

As far as the transition, it goes both ways. The vaccine folks now at GSK will be without jobs in no time. GSK isn't any better than Novartis when it comes to welcoming the newby, but try to remember that it isn't personal, it's in the best interest of the stock holders that we all go away.