
I think its safe to say that GSK has been woke for quite some time. How about GSK liberal communists stay out of politics and stick to selling medications! Sick and tired of Inclusion and Diversity training! Pisses me off that i have to waste my time listening to this Bullshit! I don’t care what ur sexual orientation is, what u identify as, don’t cram it down my throat. I don’t believe in mistreating anyone, but GSK will not change my values and beliefs!!! They can stick it where the sun doesn’t shine! Sick of hearing this crap!

I think its safe to say that GSK has been woke for quite some time. How about GSK liberal communists stay out of politics and stick to selling medications! Sick and tired of Inclusion and Diversity training! Pisses me off that i have to waste my time listening to this Bullshit! I don’t care what ur sexual orientation is, what u identify as, don’t cram it down my throat. I don’t believe in mistreating anyone, but GSK will not change my values and beliefs!!! They can stick it where the sun doesn’t shine! Sick of hearing this crap!

Don't fight against it - use it to fight back. For example, ask uncomfortable questions: "If GSK is committed to LGBT issues, why do we do business in countries that violently repress homosexuality?" You can use it for female empowerment and doing business in countries that subjugate women. Ask if our clinical trials include the transgendered?

Make them realize that their values and beliefs are contradictory and incompatible.

I think its safe to say that GSK has been woke for quite some time. How about GSK liberal communists stay out of politics and stick to selling medications! Sick and tired of Inclusion and Diversity training! Pisses me off that i have to waste my time listening to this Bullshit! I don’t care what ur sexual orientation is, what u identify as, don’t cram it down my throat. I don’t believe in mistreating anyone, but GSK will not change my values and beliefs!!! They can stick it where the sun doesn’t shine! Sick of hearing this crap!

Hahah. This is hilarious because if you feel this way, you’re the pathetic POS who is stays working somewhere despite this much hate for the company lmao. Why? Because you’re a bum rep who couldn’t make it in any other job. Literally working a fast food job requires more skill and effort than this. So either shut up and enjoy the paycheck or see if you can make it in the real world

I think its safe to say that GSK has been woke for quite some time. How about GSK liberal communists stay out of politics and stick to selling medications! Sick and tired of Inclusion and Diversity training! Pisses me off that i have to waste my time listening to this Bullshit! I don’t care what ur sexual orientation is, what u identify as, don’t cram it down my throat. I don’t believe in mistreating anyone, but GSK will not change my values and beliefs!!! They can stick it where the sun doesn’t shine! Sick of hearing this crap!

First, please use complete spelling and grammar if you wish to intelligently communicate your thoughts. It seems like the I & D training may be exactly what you need to understand that you are biased in your thoughts and actions in this note. An unbiased and accepting person would not feel that treating everyone with respect is "cramming it down their throat". Perhaps you need to take the class or session again?

I think its safe to say that GSK has been woke for quite some time. How about GSK liberal communists stay out of politics and stick to selling medications! Sick and tired of Inclusion and Diversity training! Pisses me off that i have to waste my time listening to this Bullshit! I don’t care what ur sexual orientation is, what u identify as, don’t cram it down my throat. I don’t believe in mistreating anyone, but GSK will not change my values and beliefs!!! They can stick it where the sun doesn’t shine! Sick of hearing this crap!
Hmmmm….cramming it down your throat? Sticking it where the sun don’t shine? You seem to focus in on a few certain acts that may be a peek into your subconscious soul. Me thinks you protest too much!!!! How do you REALLY feel about certain things?

I think its safe to say that GSK has been woke for quite some time. How about GSK liberal communists stay out of politics and stick to selling medications! Sick and tired of Inclusion and Diversity training! Pisses me off that i have to waste my time listening to this Bullshit! I don’t care what ur sexual orientation is, what u identify as, don’t cram it down my throat. I don’t believe in mistreating anyone, but GSK will not change my values and beliefs!!! They can stick it where the sun doesn’t shine! Sick of hearing this crap!
Hmmmm….cramming it down your throat? Sticking it where the sun don’t shine? You seem to focus in on a few certain acts that may be a peek into your subconscious soul. Me thinks you protest too much!!!! How do you REALLY feel about certain things?

Hmmmm….cramming it down your throat? Sticking it where the sun don’t shine? You seem to focus in on a few certain acts that may be a peek into your subconscious soul. Me thinks you protest too much!!!! How do you REALLY feel about certain things?

Sounds like I gave you a chubby…..a peek into your conscious soul.

First, please use complete spelling and grammar if you wish to intelligently communicate your thoughts. It seems like the I & D training may be exactly what you need to understand that you are biased in your thoughts and actions in this note. An unbiased and accepting person would not feel that treating everyone with respect is "cramming it down their throat". Perhaps you need to take the class or session again?

You need more than “training.” What are we, animals? Everyone has their beliefs, biases, tastes, etc. I could care less what yours are. If what another does, says, believes, dresses, looks like, identifies as, personal pronoun, who they pray to, etc., etc, upsets you, offends you, that is YOUR problem, and yours alone. Y
Your one of the self- loathing, bs spouting, assholes who needs the “ training” on how to be a human being, and accepting what YOU are and believe.

First, please use complete spelling and grammar if you wish to intelligently communicate your thoughts. It seems like the I & D training may be exactly what you need to understand that you are biased in your thoughts and actions in this note. An unbiased and accepting person would not feel that treating everyone with respect is "cramming it down their throat". Perhaps you need to take the class or session again?

LMAO! You’re pathetic.

Funny. The dying all seem pretty unwoke to me—ie hooked up to respirator or dead. I’ll take woke anytime over the anti vaxxed and masked. Case in point—the idiot in SAn Angelo, TX who organized the anti mask rally..looks like Darwin caught up with him - he leaves a pregnant wife with 3 other kids. And guess what!! The genius had no health insurance so we taxpayers get to foot the bill and also pay the SS benefit to his kids for the rest of their lives. He really stuck it to the liberal woke people….