GSK inventiv expansion.. Does anyone know which drugs ?


 PI...that's it...only a loser would fail..

GSK is fair about training. You can give them that. Otherwise, they are a very good company, but love to micro manage, like 99 percent of pharmaceutical companies.

it is what it is. we are never going back to the glory days of big bonus and being treated like we are important employees. if you want something better, you have to start your own business. we still have great jobs compared to other industries with managers that have high school degrees and manage by fear and brute stupidity.

Well well well, this is interesting since I was saying many of times on how contract reps are in the future cards of Gsk.

So I'll say what I said then, you seem safer than us! Why? Gsk has to invest so much into hiring a Gsk employee and to let them go is just as hard!

Inventiv is the future for now.

Worst contract ever!! Micromanagement from the dumbest DM'S on Earth. It's worse than big pharma. If you like doing conference calls on a daily basis and being held accountable for your numbers from week to week (yes week to week) by all means come onboard!!! I was the hero 2 weeks ago and then got only 1 nbrx this past week....guess who got in trouble! This guy!! I'm still here to soak up all the money I can before I find another job or get laid off.

Worst contract ever!! Micromanagement from the dumbest DM'S on Earth. It's worse than big pharma. If you like doing conference calls on a daily basis and being held accountable for your numbers from week to week (yes week to week) by all means come onboard!!! I was the hero 2 weeks ago and then got only 1 nbrx this past week....guess who got in trouble! This guy!! I'm still here to soak up all the money I can before I find another job or get laid off.

Base is from 68 to 75 I think. Most people at 68. Take the job if really needed. Pray you don't get on the diabetes side. Micromanagement on a hourly basis. Field rides once a month. Reports, reports, and more reports. You'll spend more time analyzing numbers than you will be out in the field selling. Then you'll get emails asking/demanding reasons why you aren't seeing 9 docs a day. Hmm I dunno maybe it's the fact that I had 12 conference calls this week and you had me do 12 different reports. There's only so much a person can do when you only have 100 people to call on as well.