Growing USWM

exciting times at USWM. Do you have what it takes to be part of this Superior Team? If so, please apply. Lots of $$$'s to be earned!

Yes. Please, please, please apply. We've run off all the best reps. We'll literally take anybody at this point. Please, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, APPLY!!

wow jason how desperate are you?

Applying to a RAM position. Any thoughts by a current employee regarding this position and current product challenges? Trying to get career back on track before end of year.

I asked for feedback but would like to offer some. Appreciate your job and employer, you are in a position to make it better for all. The situation stays the same or change, your choice.

Any RAM position or product challenge feedback for near term? Interested and looking for info beyond website. Agree there did/does seem to be a lot of turnover? Any recent changes to improve? Payouts good, seem not from comments? Bonus plan change or what will change that will make things better at the field level? I just want to get back to work and customers and keep the bank and credit cards happy. Apologize for the ramble..need to be working.

I asked for feedback but would like to offer some. Appreciate your job and employer, you are in a position to make it better for all. The situation stays the same or change, your choice.

Any RAM position or product challenge feedback for near term? Interested and looking for info beyond website. Agree there did/does seem to be a lot of turnover? Any recent changes to improve? Payouts good, seem not from comments? Bonus plan change or what will change that will make things better at the field level? I just want to get back to work and customers and keep the bank and credit cards happy. Apologize for the ramble..need to be working.

OK. So I've been where you are. Let me give you the lowdown. You will probably be happy for 12 months. Usually around 9months, doubt and clarity begin to sink in as you realize that your NSD (and possibly your manager) are narcissistic egomaniacs with absolutely no idea what they are doing. They usually cover up their lack of leadership abilities with Pharma 101 stuff like call metrics, dinner programs, lunches, etc. All with required quotas.

The company still hasn't worked out a sensible bonus plan and, at this point, it's a 50/50 crap shoot whether you will make ANY (read that again) ANY bonus money at all.

With that being said, Myobloc is an atrocious sell. Apokyn is a great drug to sell, but is dying as other products come to market. JH just left which is a big hint over the future of the NS products. The new drug is...well...fine.

So come over, get your paycheck, get caught up on bills, and set your expectations. USWM is kind of like going to a swingers club when your 60. You know you're gonna get laid, but it might be Trucker Dan's fat wife Helen.

I am hearing success throughout the country. What happened to you? You must have not done well here and have been forced out or not doing well currently and is about to be kicked out. My advise is to get out before you get kicked out. I love this Organization. You haters, get out!

next to last post is spot on.. You might make bonus for a quarter or two. This company is highly inflexible and its upper level management is stagnant and deluded. JH leaving is the biggest sign of all. Apo is done, it has peaked and will only continue to decline as new drugs enter the market. If you are naive enough to believe that 3/4 of the sales force left because they were forced out then you deserve this job. This job is better than nothing but just barely.