Greg M

No he really doesn't. He has had top members of his team already leave and all the others are either on the way out or checked out mentally from all his stuff. He lies and gives his team work that he says "is from upper management" but never is. He has lost all respect from his team. There are a couple others that should have gotten this role but unfortunately they have left the company. His previous team didn't care for him at all and yet he still got another DM position.

Omg-y'all have finally woke up! He was always this way. He should have been gone once the first person left last Christmas! The problem it's not just Greg it's Don too! Can't move someone when the upper management allows it-think about it? None of the top people were looking until he came along-Wake up Pernix you chose the wrong person!!

Greg don't flatter yourself! I'm one of your reps that stated the first post and your ER statement is low class-I know for a fact she has a DM position with another company and always talks very highly of you! Your a fool and really don't get it! Your team is depending on you and you stoop this low??? She left for the same reasons every other person left to secure their future