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Greece: Oral Water, the Story Continues…


Boys and Girls
Let me tell you a nice little story. Once upon a time there was a business “head” of CNS products, lets call him Micro“soft”. Micro“soft” had a nice manager up North, lets call her “As the Wind Blows”.
Alas, in the country where they lived and worked, huge turmoil existed. As you can imagine, the relationship between Micro“soft” and “As the Wind Blows” had to change and a verbal and oral contract was agreed.
This oral contract was implemented on a bi-weekly basis, twice up North and every time a business meeting had to occur down South. As you can imagine the travel expenses from Micro“soft” went through the roof, but business must come first. Although exhausting, a good professional must insert his business seed, from all angles, as deep as possible.
Both were happy with the new arrangement. Micro“soft” was losing weight with all this work and “As the Wind Blows” was happy, since her future was secure. An informal new type of pension plan came into play in the company.
Alas, all good things must come to an end.
One nice morning it was announced that all CNS personnel must be fired, with no exceptions. “As the Wind Blows” could not believe that she was not an exception. She went to Micro“soft” and asked for explanations. Micro“soft” explained that it was a dirty job, but he could do no more. “As the Wind Blows” felt that she was used and abused and that the pension plan was not implemented.
As you can imagine, she had to take this to senior management. She lodged a formal complaint to the senior HR manager, lets call him BaldKolias. BaldKolias listened carefully, and for the first time he went against the wishes Micro“soft” his bald jazz companion…
To be continued….


This has the basis for a classic greek tragedy - we have the Dionysian element with micro-soft and when the wind blows, then the Apollonian based reality of the downsizing and finally the nemesis of Kollias.

This has the basis for a classic greek tragedy - we have the Dionysian element with micro-soft and when the wind blows, then the Apollonian based reality of the downsizing and finally the nemesis of Kollias.

The classic Greek tragedy is not only this "fairytale", but the company story the last years!

There is an open position as rep in Menidi area for this great BUD ,who advised his colleague to find a similar job!!! The only one prerequisition is to be able to speak clear Greek !!