Greatest thread ever removed!!


Looks like some big shot managed to remove the US Sales org thread from here. It's a shame. 9 months of discussions and over 53,000 views.

Anyway, you can see almost all of it in cache using Google.

And by the way, we still need leadership change in US and Sweden.

God help us!!!

Your living in the past. Its really a D level company across most of Healthcare. The company can't develop a product to save itself and this is because its a revolving door for top tech talent. Up until the early 80's GE was the worlds number one patent producing company. Since that time its not even in the top 20. Neutron jack removed the R&D cash errr...waste alright but he was a crap enough chemist, by his own admission, that he didnt get how stuff was really developed. Now nobody at GE knows how its done and you get a weird disfunctional and mainly dishonest personality type emerging within its ranks.

Its a little sad that the thread was removed as potential new hires really needed to read that stuff to get a real feel for how bad the company is, rather than lied to by HR and whatever Kool-Aid sipping functional manager is in the room.

actually new hires do not want to see this they want a chance to learn what this place is about on thier own. they do not need a bunch of ex-phd's who were fired or quit telling them how bad something is. this is a different place from when you old fucks worked there.

now let it go and let the new people make thier own choices without you fucking it up for everybody. that thread was a cancer. why do you feel it is YOUR responsbility to build a thread based on hate? I thought you were smarter and better than this place yet you keep coming back like a stubborn cockroach. That thread is dead like your GE career.

actually new hires do not want to see this they want a chance to learn what this place is about on thier own. they do not need a bunch of ex-phd's who were fired or quit telling them how bad something is. this is a different place from when you old fucks worked there.

now let it go and let the new people make thier own choices without you fucking it up for everybody. that thread was a cancer. why do you feel it is YOUR responsbility to build a thread based on hate? I thought you were smarter and better than this place yet you keep coming back like a stubborn cockroach. That thread is dead like your GE career.

First of all, please keep the low vocabulary for you and your friends. When you say "you", you're talking to a lot of people who are posting their bad experiences with the upper managment and since last year. From the previous more than 700 posts from the original thread, I posted only 5 of them.

New hires must be aware about what is happening here. If they are smart and telented they will choose the other company they are being interviewd for. Unless of course, we change the US managment, and also get rid of people like you.

This thread is not dead. The career of people who left the company are quite good. They are on ABI/Invitrogen, Sigma, Waters...making more money. The problem with us who remained is that we actually like the company and we're still fighting to have a better workplace than you created. Could you joined any of the phds at the cafeteria to have a real business conversation? Of course not, you have no clue about life sciences market.

But, you're so right. This place is different, but only in your dreams is prettier than it was before. Shame on you, whoever are you.

actually new hires do not want to see this they want a chance to learn what this place is about on thier own. they do not need a bunch of ex-phd's who were fired or quit telling them how bad something is. this is a different place from when you old fucks worked there.

now let it go and let the new people make thier own choices without you fucking it up for everybody. that thread was a cancer. why do you feel it is YOUR responsbility to build a thread based on hate? I thought you were smarter and better than this place yet you keep coming back like a stubborn cockroach. That thread is dead like your GE career.

No.. what shits me most is that I was plainly lied to about the nature of what I would be doing when I was in hiring interviews. I just wish I had some straight talking hiring managers and I most likely would never have joined, not have wasted my time or theirs and would not detest them to the degree I do now. It was the worst professional experience of my life hands-down. I saw the most dishonest and incompetant people I have ever seen in the workplace at GE, and quite frankly many of them were in management. Thats why the thread needs to be there. It was far worse than just a bad working environment to be put down to experience.

I've given alot of thought to why I hate GE so much. I still don't have all the answers but I do think its important to have a place where potential hires can avoid what I and many of my colleagues who left also now feel about the company. It leaves a lasting impression. I've worked for a couple of organizations, none were ever perfect but I have never used the word hate before to describe my time in any company until I left GE.

First of all those who are still in GE need to know that unless you are in management the pay is below industry average -at least for all tech staff I know this to be true. So GE has a better reputation than it deserves on that front. I earn far more now, about double what I ever did at GE. The second is that I dont need GE to be successful, I was more successful before I joined it and again after I left.

I am one of the PhD's you so love to hate, so the best I can come up with at the moment is that I hate GE because it gave the talent and skills I brought to the company no respect at all. I spent most of my time there doing mindless paperwork designed to indemnify the company against complaints to some really bad products.

I had spent 10 years in academia and another 7 in the workplace developing the skills and am a guru at the design of various types of instruments. I can lift a product out of thin air, as I have done in all my jobs except for GE. GE needed what I could do for them because to be honest alot of what they sell is either old or bandaged crap. They told me plainly at the hiring interviews that I would be working on designs for the next the line of releases.

The management of the company actually I believe would like a new product line, but they are ignorant to what skills are needed to achieve it. They have put some really bad scientists and engineers (generally the ones with less talent that stay around) into product management roles. I dont think I am being too self-promoting when I say that management level were really afraid of the talent below them. In actual fact if you look around many of these GE divisions those professionals at the bottom of the power pyramid are often the most skilled and competant. One of my colleagues used to joke that we all needed to get promoted to the appropriate level of incompetance. That should be ringing alarm bells for anyone who joins the company. It did for me and I can remember thinking within a month how I had made a huge mistake joining GE. Most of my peers who also left feel the same way as we have talked about this on a number of occasions.

I can only come up with the idea in my head that I hate them because they pissed on what was most dear to me - what was in my head and that was so hard to put in there.

The truth is that R&D spending is a haphazard mess, coming in floods or droughts depending on which product manager is having a panic attack about the lack of progress at any particular day. It makes for a completely insane and chaotic R&D process, resulting in what is obvious to everyone who understand how it all happens, and what is needed to nurture innovation.

And in the end I and all of my colleagues who left came to the same conclusion that there was absolutely no recognition of the problems that lead to its NPI pipline disasters or about what really needed to fix it, and most importantly of all, being the beureacratic mess that is GE, they really didnt want to even know. So whats left? leave

So there's just a few thoughts about why I hate them so much. And to think I didn't even touch on the personality types.

I've given alot of thought to why I hate GE so much. I still don't have all the answers but I do think its important to have a place where potential hires can avoid what I and many of my colleagues who left also now feel about the company. It leaves a lasting impression. I've worked for a couple of organizations, none were ever perfect but I have never used the word hate before to describe my time in any company until I left GE.

First of all those who are still in GE need to know that unless you are in management the pay is below industry average -at least for all tech staff I know this to be true. So GE has a better reputation than it deserves on that front. I earn far more now, about double what I ever did at GE. The second is that I dont need GE to be successful, I was more successful before I joined it and again after I left.

I am one of the PhD's you so love to hate, so the best I can come up with at the moment is that I hate GE because it gave the talent and skills I brought to the company no respect at all. I spent most of my time there doing mindless paperwork designed to indemnify the company against complaints to some really bad products.

I had spent 10 years in academia and another 7 in the workplace developing the skills and am a guru at the design of various types of instruments. I can lift a product out of thin air, as I have done in all my jobs except for GE. GE needed what I could do for them because to be honest alot of what they sell is either old or bandaged crap. They told me plainly at the hiring interviews that I would be working on designs for the next the line of releases.

The management of the company actually I believe would like a new product line, but they are ignorant to what skills are needed to achieve it. They have put some really bad scientists and engineers (generally the ones with less talent that stay around) into product management roles. I dont think I am being too self-promoting when I say that management level were really afraid of the talent below them. In actual fact if you look around many of these GE divisions those professionals at the bottom of the power pyramid are often the most skilled and competant. One of my colleagues used to joke that we all needed to get promoted to the appropriate level of incompetance. That should be ringing alarm bells for anyone who joins the company. It did for me and I can remember thinking within a month how I had made a huge mistake joining GE. Most of my peers who also left feel the same way as we have talked about this on a number of occasions.

I can only come up with the idea in my head that I hate them because they pissed on what was most dear to me - what was in my head and that was so hard to put in there.

The truth is that R&D spending is a haphazard mess, coming in floods or droughts depending on which product manager is having a panic attack about the lack of progress at any particular day. It makes for a completely insane and chaotic R&D process, resulting in what is obvious to everyone who understand how it all happens, and what is needed to nurture innovation.

And in the end I and all of my colleagues who left came to the same conclusion that there was absolutely no recognition of the problems that lead to its NPI pipline disasters or about what really needed to fix it, and most importantly of all, being the beureacratic mess that is GE, they really didnt want to even know. So whats left? leave

So there's just a few thoughts about why I hate them so much. And to think I didn't even touch on the personality types.

I have to disagree with the previous post about the hate (or love) thing. I think this hate thing is just imature. C'mon GE is 300,000 people working in several businesses and cuntries. You fly with GE enginess all the time. Locomotives are great. The industrial businesses in general are high quality ones. Even in Healthcare the MRIs (much better than Siemens), CTs and Ultrasound machines are very good. Our BP resines and systems are very good, DIGE is good technology, AKTA is good, Biacore is pretty good. The problem is there is no pipeline. Any good product we have is around for more than 5 years. The problem began with the British who bought MD and shut down the R&D to make the numbers better during Amersham days.

You can hate the environment and the bosses you had to face while you're here. That's fair. Mainly in the US. You didn't have any good boss in the last 10 years or more. Do you remember the terrible e-mail Andrew Carr sent days before he left? What a joke. My friends in US are probably jealous of Europeans. They have John Jeans (it's a shame PE let him go). Dineen should fire PE and bring Ann O'hara back to run the show.

Recently I met the nicest guys in the company. Of course they were from another business and they had a highly admired leader. That's our problem, bad bad leadership. PE never liked or understood anything outside BioProcess. He think BP would live by itself without design in or drug screnning. How many times a year he travel outside Sweden? He is just tired and more stubborn than ever. PE, it's time to leave. Dineen, please bring some good leader from another division or bring Ann back (even better). And please please get rid of Doug and his friends.

actually new hires do not want to see this they want a chance to learn what this place is about on thier own. they do not need a bunch of ex-phd's who were fired or quit telling them how bad something is. this is a different place from when you old fucks worked there.

now let it go and let the new people make thier own choices without you fucking it up for everybody. that thread was a cancer. why do you feel it is YOUR responsbility to build a thread based on hate? I thought you were smarter and better than this place yet you keep coming back like a stubborn cockroach. That thread is dead like your GE career.

That's right just bury your head in the sand...that will surely lead to innovative products, better management, and a company that is growing rather than dying. Just keep in mind this behavior is what led to this mess.

A level company??? Shareholders apparently don't agree: #chart2:symbol=ge;range=6m;indicator=volume;charttype=line;crosshair=on;ohlcvalues=0;logscale=on;source=undefined

Yes, it is a level A company!! It has problems, but it's an A company. Stock price is more related to investor psycology than company performance. The company profit didn't diminished 40 % as the stock price sunk.

Sorry buddy, but you need read more about financial markets.

let me clarify the phd stuff here. the phds who were no longer wanted were sales people who had phds not the people behind the scenes like you! we need guys like you, we dont need guys who cant sell.

i do find it funny that non-sales people use this forum to complain as well. you always think it is just for sales folks.

let me clarify the phd stuff here. the phds who were no longer wanted were sales people who had phds not the people behind the scenes like you! we need guys like you, we dont need guys who cant sell.

i do find it funny that non-sales people use this forum to complain as well. you always think it is just for sales folks.

so to be clear phd=bad sales person?

Biacore was and is better than pretty good. Under independent management (before the GE acquisition) it was the market leader in real-time, label-free molecular interaction analysis, and we had a good strong record of growth and profitability, based in part on that company's respect for technical sales people. These were not simple diagnostic kits or pH meters. The Biacore system is highly sophisticated piece of gear. You can't hire a used car sales rep, or a diagnostics rep to sell this. I don't think the current administration at GELS understands this. The proof will be in the pudding.

BTW, I spoke with a Biacore customer today. This person is a long time user, has purchased several instruments over a decade, and a thought leader in the field, well published, etc. They lamented the direction of the company ever since the take over by GE. They pointed specifically to a degradation in the quality of the sales reps for this product this year. This is not a disgruntled, ex-PhD sales rep talking; this is a customer!

The two best career decisions I made in my life were 1) to join Biacore, and 2) to leave GE. For those of you still trapped in the evil empire, get over it and get out. You don't need the torture. Life is too short, and there are plenty of good opportunities elsewhere.

While cleaning out my closet , I came across some GE Healthcare blue shirts. I offered to send them to a friend and ex-colleague , still at GE. He replied that he still had three shirts too many, and that he would rather see them on some homeless person. I thought this was hilarious at first, but then began to see the serious wisdom of this suggestion. I will donate my shirts to a good cause.

Biacore was and is better than pretty good. Under independent management (before the GE acquisition) it was the market leader in real-time, label-free molecular interaction analysis, and we had a good strong record of growth and profitability, based in part on that company's respect for technical sales people. These were not simple diagnostic kits or pH meters. The Biacore system is highly sophisticated piece of gear. You can't hire a used car sales rep, or a diagnostics rep to sell this. I don't think the current administration at GELS understands this. The proof will be in the pudding.

BTW, I spoke with a Biacore customer today. This person is a long time user, has purchased several instruments over a decade, and a thought leader in the field, well published, etc. They lamented the direction of the company ever since the take over by GE. They pointed specifically to a degradation in the quality of the sales reps for this product this year. This is not a disgruntled, ex-PhD sales rep talking; this is a customer!

The two best career decisions I made in my life were 1) to join Biacore, and 2) to leave GE. For those of you still trapped in the evil empire, get over it and get out. You don't need the torture. Life is too short, and there are plenty of good opportunities elsewhere.

While cleaning out my closet , I came across some GE Healthcare blue shirts. I offered to send them to a friend and ex-colleague , still at GE. He replied that he still had three shirts too many, and that he would rather see them on some homeless person. I thought this was hilarious at first, but then began to see the serious wisdom of this suggestion. I will donate my shirts to a good cause.

Everyone who was a former Amersham, Pharmacia Biotech, Hoefer, Biacore, Molecular Dynamics, Codelink employee has been royaly screwed by GE. That's just the plain truth. And someone said "let's hope it's different with Watman!" Everything that GE has touched at GELS has turned to mud! I have never seen at any business the complete routing of Sales, Management, Finance, Scientists, Legal, HR, Marketing that has taken place under GE. It is complete and total failure which is unreversible at this point. We are all now just waiting for the final act, which shouldn't be too far on the horizon. Even GE with all it's great business minds, can't dig it's way out of this one. Can you say "death sprial"...possibly GELS can be bundled and sold with the apliance unit.

Yes, it is a level A company!! It has problems, but it's an A company. Stock price is more related to investor psycology than company performance. The company profit didn't diminished 40 % as the stock price sunk.

Sorry buddy, but you need read more about financial markets.

My apology, I should have prefaced with "non-technically" speaking GE is not an A level company. For your reading pleasure regarding this A level company: NEW YORK (AP) -- Shares of General Electric Co. dropped 9 percent Wednesday, hurt by investor worries about its financial services unit amid the global credit crisis. Since Friday, GE has been rattled by the financial meltdown on Wall Street.

It's the MBA's you should be concerned about, not the Ph.D.'s

Object to calling person "Dog"

Several times in the flame thread that was removed, and perhaps other threads that still exist on cafepharma, a certain individual has been referred to as "Dog". I object to this.

Dogs are a part of my household and there are no better, loyal, forgiving creatures on this earth, with the narrow exception of my biological family.

Perhaps Rat, or weasle, snake, or slime mold would be a better descriptor of the person in question.