Great Place to Work

worse kept secret amongst upper management is how moral is low and efforts to in bring external candidates for open positions repeatedly come up short. Of course management acts like nothing is wrong... buy a little time, do a survey, ignore results, and repeat. Someday the sun is going to shine on this dogs ass and there will be press releases, bonuses for exec's, and free Starbucks for the rank and file. When that day comes all these shitty results go away for ever along with all the bad actions by this terrible corporation over the years. It's up to us to make sure that day doesn't come until there are major changes in upper management.

worse kept secret amongst upper management is how moral is low and efforts to in bring external candidates for open positions repeatedly come up short. Of course management acts like nothing is wrong... buy a little time, do a survey, ignore results, and repeat. Someday the sun is going to shine on this dogs ass and there will be press releases, bonuses for exec's, and free Starbucks for the rank and file. When that day comes all these shitty results go away for ever along with all the bad actions by this terrible corporation over the years. It's up to us to make sure that day doesn't come until there are major changes in upper management.

Spun the last survey into positives. They'll continue to present this as an ethical, top flight company where everyone is happy. Nothing further from the truth. Dishonest, unethical immoral outfit where things are totally out of control

A few of the Memphis execs have recently purchased nice new cars.....Porsche, range rover, BMW.......seems like a great place to work for them and their special parking area.