Great job B&L leadership


Way to give out those retention bonuses. Very smart. At least this way you can predict when the managers will leave.
For those that don't know...retention bonuses were recently paid to management at B&L. That's why they are allleaving now.
Hats off to RL and TV for making resignations predictable and for fostering a workless environment for these folks for the past 6 months while they just waited until now to collect their checks and run. Bravo! I'm sure JP will look past that genius move when it comes to your rating.

For those who don't know? Who doesn't know this? You sales reps have been whining about it constantly on here and whining how dummies got bonuses and how you want to go anywhere else. Then you whine about how everyone's leaving.


Leave, bozo. There was a reason you didn't get anything.

Give your decently-paid job to any one of the millions of Millennials out there who want to work and are trapped working low wage, low skill jobs while people like you complain about how life is so hard. Boo hoo hoo.

For those who don't know? Who doesn't know this? You sales reps have been whining about it constantly on here and whining how dummies got bonuses and how you want to go anywhere else. Then you whine about how everyone's leaving.


Leave, bozo. There was a reason you didn't get anything.

Give your decently-paid job to any one of the millions of Millennials out there who want to work and are trapped working low wage, low skill jobs while people like you complain about how life is so hard. Boo hoo hoo.

Ha ha who's the bozo? Your the r***** that thinks millennials want to work.