Great CLM

My karma is great, thanks for the concern. Miss Cleo told me I'm in for smooth sailing. Enjoy your 120 take home. I just consider my "real job" as a nice payment on my boat and lake house. Everything else I do is where my true income is coming from.

Or somebody who doesn't appreciate wasting my company dollars on half engaged employees,
Slack-jawed jackwagon

This may come as a shocker (brace yourself) but that is everyone in the sales force. Everyone is wasting the company dollar and are half engaged. Why? Because there is no direction and the future is not bright. Very few have influence over their business. Stop the pretending and all the acting.

You are the problem and not the solution.

One and only one skill is required here at the great Eticon... Ass kissing. This is what will secure your future here from rep to VP. Look at that moron that landed the largest division in the US. Kissed so much ass he landed a DM role. Crazy but true.

One and only one skill is required here at the great Eticon... Ass kissing. This is what will secure your future here from rep to VP. Look at that moron that landed the largest division in the US. Kissed so much ass he landed a DM role. Crazy but true.

Nail on the head. That's why they struggle to handle adversity.

One and only one skill is required here at the great Eticon... Ass kissing. This is what will secure your future here from rep to VP. Look at that moron that landed the largest division in the US. Kissed so much ass he landed a DM role. Crazy but true.

Sales reps are complete whores it would appear that jealousy develops when some reps kiss ass with more skill. Next time add some tongue and make sure to wet your lips.