This woman has her. She's a great showperson and tells it like it is! Case in point:
This woman has her. She's a great showperson and tells it like it is! Case in point:
Wow; when Cher said: "Saw him in Aspen with one Dcup chick after another". That kind of sounds racist against D cup women to me...
And her comment about: "Donald Trump (mr chapter11)...again sounds a bit racist to me against anyone that has had to file chapter 11.
Point: The mud slinging begins once again in Hollywood.
I've seen her on stage and it was a heck of a concert. On the flip side, she parallels Trump with her brashness. I also detest her politics and views. She is so far left she falls off the cliff.
Like Trump, I appreciate the direct opinions she throws out.
His wife says she loves his hair. Ugh
His son has the same hair part, but it's not overgrown like his father.
The thing I detest about Trump is that no matter what he says, it ALWAYS comes back to how wonderful a negotiator he is and how great he is. Does he understand what humble means? I actually saw him in Atlantic City once. He's 'better' looking in person - if that's possible.
Wow; when Cher said: "Saw him in Aspen with one Dcup chick after another". That kind of sounds racist against D cup women to me...
And her comment about: "Donald Trump (mr chapter11)...again sounds a bit racist to me against anyone that has had to file chapter 11.
Point: The mud slinging begins once again in Hollywood.
Just my take on Trump: Obviously he is a good negotiator...I think he gets a pass for his bluntness and profanity because that is who he really is.
IF he decides to throw his hat into the ring for the 2012 thing (ya know)...I do not think he would win; I think he would deflect a lot of voters from a serious candidate; kind of like Ross Perot did. I think we will have someone completely NEW for the role.
With that being said...I do like Trump; he is a smart guy...but the hair?? Well I could probably overlook it with his kind of money cuz hey...maybe it's his "thing"; like a signature.
SPN...THAT is what I admire...someone who tells it like it is.
Libs: If Trump is to run, he needs to segue from bashing the current regime to HOW and WHAT he will do. There is no doubt he is a solid negotiator and clearly understands (as we all do) that the US has weak status in the world arena.