OK, I was there for a little over a year. You will get home-study and it is a bitch all of your test (12 if I remember) will need to be completed in a certain time and 85% is passing. You cannot fail any test 3 times or five total or you are out of the program. Once you run that gauntlet it is of to Commack for 3 straight weeks of one role play after another...Most of it is barely tolerable but it does get you into the psychobable mode most people associate with kool aide drinking pharma reps. When you get home you will get a ride along from the get go and it will be all positive, the forest bucket, your bucket, meet in the middle blah, blah, blah!!! then you hit the road and all will be ok for a little while, but soon you will begin to be micro managed and start to feel as if you are a little kid... You will be put into unrealistic situations to try to move a Doc....who in most cases you can never get infront of...and the onc=es you can are so over run with reps that they are nice enough to sign for samples and maybe allow you to say hello.... you will be required to have so many lunches, speaker programs etc. If ou fall short at first it is no big deal, but soon there after you will get your ass rode like Big BROWN and have to start getting it done....which is your job, so you do it! After about a year it becomes painfully obvious after a ride along about every 4-6 weeks that you are basically going to be told you are not doing good enough, despite good numbers you need to "Influence the influenceables" and "over come objectives" blah, blah, blah... this will make you feel like a little kid and you will begin the slow slide back to cafe pharma to hear how shitty everything is and basically start looking for a new job... In the end I am grateful for the opportunity and Forest was not all bad, I had some GREAT TEAM MATES who are my friends to this day... but beware, if you do not pretent to drink the kool aide, you will be truly miserable!