GOP wish


The right wing talking heads, aka "liars like Faux, fat Mush Lumbar, and the assorted lap dogs who scrounge for the scraps the big dogs vomit out, love to say that Obama can't and won't win, because his base has abandoned him. Now I know you all hate polls that are Rasmussen or show any information that you hate or fear, but check this out, by an overwhelming majority, Obama voters will vote for him, because after all, the alternatives are "Dumb, Dumber, Stupid and the Fraud". No contest.

The right wing talking heads, aka "liars like Faux, fat Mush Lumbar, and the assorted lap dogs who scrounge for the scraps the big dogs vomit out, love to say that Obama can't and won't win, because his base has abandoned him. Now I know you all hate polls that are Rasmussen or show any information that you hate or fear, but check this out, by an overwhelming majority, Obama voters will vote for him, because after all, the alternatives are "Dumb, Dumber, Stupid and the Fraud". No contest.
Good point, because you get all those descriptors tied up in one pretty incompetent bow in Carnybama. It's like one-stop-shopping for the leftwing.

The right wing talking heads, aka "liars like Faux, fat Mush Lumbar, and the assorted lap dogs who scrounge for the scraps the big dogs vomit out, love to say that Obama can't and won't win, because his base has abandoned him. Now I know you all hate polls that are Rasmussen or show any information that you hate or fear, but check this out, by an overwhelming majority, Obama voters will vote for him, because after all, the alternatives are "Dumb, Dumber, Stupid and the Fraud". No contest.

Dude, anger and hatred like that will eat you alive.

You need to follow Vag's advice: Get laid