Google this: Maude Reports Ethicon

Google Maude report for any company and you will find several adverse events. Unfortunately, things happen. I would be more concerned with the companies that do not report adverse events.

all device companies are obligated to report serious adverse events to the MAUDE system.
All devices have MAUDE reports. A MAUDE report does not equate with causality of an event.

Giant red pitcher busts through brick are at first astonished...then joy and delight breaks out as they realize it's a giant pitcher of berry delight Kool-Aid.

all device companies are obligated to report serious adverse events to the MAUDE system.
All devices have MAUDE reports. A MAUDE report does not equate with causality of an event.

Hmmmm what about the JNJ MAUDE reports that were missing (like an entire year without reports) and then all of a sudden are on the site? Shady is right.