Goodbye, Mitch


As a Lilly retiree, I was all ready to support Mitch for president.....until I read his comments concerning Indiana Dems, and his comments on right to work. It appears having Mitch for president would be no different than the current situation with the current president.

Goodbye, Mitch.


Regardless of where one stands on the right to work and union issue, Mitch is fairly limited in what he views as important. He's done great on fiscal matters but there are a lot of other issues that have to be addressed and he is very Lugaresque ("I'm above all that") for most other issues.

Mitch is constitutionally required to balance the budget, but acts as if he is tough.

It's time to stop the gov't/corporate revolving door.

You have to be kidding. Mitch clearly won't run for president because Walker (WI) stole the show as far as Republicans are concerned.

No doubt there will be a significant consolation prize for him however.


Regardless of where one stands on the right to work and union issue, Mitch is fairly limited in what he views as important. He's done great on fiscal matters but there are a lot of other issues that have to be addressed and he is very Lugaresque ("I'm above all that") for most other issues.

Yeah. He really 'done great' on fiscal matters as W's OMB... disaster, and what exactly has he done as gov.? Sell the roads to Spain, and then spend the surplus into nothing. bravo.