Now don't get me wrong because I am just as disgusted as everyone about not getting the bonus I was promise, but this gig was pretty good while it lasted. I had a great manager and good co-workers. We all enjoyed working together and we respected one another. We all bitched and complained about how screwy this company had been run and were amazed at the stupid decisions being handed down from home office. How it lasted as long as it did always amazed me. I started preparing from the day I was hired knowing it was not going to last. I always looked to the future with this company in quarters. If I can just make it to next quarter.......I am a little scared about being unemployed, but I will find another job. I thank my sweet dear manager for hiring me and giving me the honor of working with her once again. She will always have my appreciation and respect. I am glad that many of my co-workers kept their jobs, but I hope they realize it is past time to look for another job. Strativa will cease to exist another year. Good luck to everyone. Not a bad gig