Good things happen to those who wait


Management will make a good deal for everyone. Just work hard and don't worry about all of the speculations about the company. The plan for the next two years is set and if it is sold it will likely go to a top company.

Management will make a good deal for everyone. Just work hard and don't worry about all of the speculations about the company. The plan for the next two years is set and if it is sold it will likely go to a top company.

Thanks for the reassurance, Perry and Kathy. We believe every single word you say and we'll work extra hard for each one of you! We promise to sell our little hearts out and not mess around by faking calls anymore. Despite the history of screwing reps, management, and senior leadership over the past 3 years, we'll work super duper hard for you.


The Sales Force

Whoever the original poster was is the same type of person who joins a cult and drinks the Kool Aid before everyone else. When everybody sees the effects of what it does, they drop their cups and leave.

The only people who will be "taken care of" are Fred and his crew. Everybody else will get the crumbs that fall off of the pie. Why spend 2 years busting your butt for something that's not going to keep you employed? You'll just have to start all over again with a new company. LEAVE NOW and build your resume with a winner, not a joke of a company.

Whoever the original poster was is the same type of person who joins a cult and drinks the Kool Aid before everyone else. When everybody sees the effects of what it does, they drop their cups and leave.

You're wrong about that; the original poster is the same type of person who joins the cult and make the rest of us drink the Kool Aid; they watch and amuse themselves at its affects on us.

that's right...the Jews in World War II were told that they were just being sent to take showers so they wouldn't panic. When somebody says don't worry about it that's the time to start running as fast as you can!