Good SL reps are taking a huge pay cut to go to access


I have been in the top 10(Statlock) more than once and according to multiple access reps, I have made significantly more money with much less micro management! I thought Access was the place to be? I have been given an opportunity to make the move but I am not sure I want to. Access is a very prideful and arrogant division that continues to miss their numbers every year.

I am thankful to get an opportunity, but just as BARD has proved, they don't care about us! It is all about business and I will be making my own business decisions.

I would like to know what te typical income is for you access reps. Would you mind shedding some light? I have heard the average across the board is about $135k.

Thanks and good luck to all!

Bard Access WAS the place the work. The division hasn't hit its numbers in recent years. The management is a cluster and they are losing quality employees daily. The sales side is a "good ol' boys network." The management has been sued repeatedly for sexual harassment and other inappropriate behaviors with 10's of thousands paid out in settlements. I wouldn't work for that group. To be promoted you have to be male, smoke with Beasley, or be a hot female that can drink, blow, and screw regional managers to become a national sales trainer. We all deserve better.

I have been in the top 10(Statlock) more than once and according to multiple access reps, I have made significantly more money with much less micro management! I thought Access was the place to be? I have been given an opportunity to make the move but I am not sure I want to. Access is a very prideful and arrogant division that continues to miss their numbers every year.

I am thankful to get an opportunity, but just as BARD has proved, they don't care about us! It is all about business and I will be making my own business decisions.

I would like to know what te typical income is for you access reps. Would you mind shedding some light? I have heard the average across the board is about $135k.

Thanks and good luck to all!

Reps ranked in the middle of the pack are trending towards about a 100k this year. The top 20 reps are not even trending towards 200k. The good ol' days seem to be over?

Call SL what you want( pharma job, not a device, glorified tape) but Your top 20(top 16% of the company) is making $50-75k less than top statlock reps made the last few years! I know that the access rep in my territory was crushing and she didnt make $200k, more like $150k and this was her best year. She says the last 5 years she has been $120-135k and that is where 90% of the company finish every year.

This is hilarious. I"m not sure who is posting on this thing but 135k for a good year? Ha. Top 10 make 250k+, bottom 10 make 100k and average is probably 150-180k. You think BAS not hitting it's number translates to the reps not making money? Not as much crazy money that was made 5 years ago but guaranteed it's way more than SL.