Good reasons to state when you resign?


I am going to be resigning for a great job offer, not because I don't like job or company, but because they won't tell us if we have an extension or not. I need to feed my kids and pay my bills. However, it is slightly before the end of my contract. I want to be able to keep the door at Quintiles open since I think every manager or rep will end up working contract at some point in their career. I want to be able to come back if this does not work out. How do I exit gracefully and keep that door open?

I would wait till the contract is over or extended, that way Quintiles may place you on another contract. My contract just ended and Quintiles is stating they will find us all jobs. I would be afraid to resign if I did not have another job or maybe you do. In that case, I would take my chances.

I am going to be resigning for a great job offer, not because I don't like job or company, but because they won't tell us if we have an extension or not. I need to feed my kids and pay my bills. However, it is slightly before the end of my contract. I want to be able to keep the door at Quintiles open since I think every manager or rep will end up working contract at some point in their career. I want to be able to come back if this does not work out. How do I exit gracefully and keep that door open?

I admire your conscientiousness, but I don't think you really owe them an explanation. People change jobs all the time. As long as you leave on good terms, offer two weeks notice, say and do the right things, I don't see how that wouldn't keep that door open.

Typically how long is a contract with Quintiles? I know a rep who has worked for almost 2 years. Is that about the norm?

I applied for a rep position and have an interview next week.

Typically how long is a contract with Quintiles? I know a rep who has worked for almost 2 years. Is that about the norm?

I applied for a rep position and have an interview next week.

One year to "whatever." There's no way to know in advance. Some are renewed year-by-year. There's an unlimited number of variables.

Contract jobs are one step above day-laborer in terms of "security." That said, if it's what's available, then it beats unemployment.

There's a vast glut of experienced reps and a shortage of positions. That's just the way it is.

One year to "whatever." There's no way to know in advance. Some are renewed year-by-year. There's an unlimited number of variables.

Contract jobs are one step above day-laborer in terms of "security." That said, if it's what's available, then it beats unemployment.

There's a vast glut of experienced reps and a shortage of positions. That's just the way it is.

Moron. Under stupid in the dictionary is your name.

The entire industry is moving to contract fool.

I am going to be resigning for a great job offer, not because I don't like job or company, but because they won't tell us if we have an extension or not. I need to feed my kids and pay my bills. However, it is slightly before the end of my contract. I want to be able to keep the door at Quintiles open since I think every manager or rep will end up working contract at some point in their career. I want to be able to come back if this does not work out. How do I exit gracefully and keep that door open?

You are giving too much credit to Quintiles. They have a very short memory. If you apply in the future and they need you, they will hire you. If not, they won't. They probably won't remember you worked for them. Make the best decision for yourself now. Quintiles always takes care of itself first. You should do the same.

I am going to be resigning for a great job offer, not because I don't like job or company, but because they won't tell us if we have an extension or not. I need to feed my kids and pay my bills. However, it is slightly before the end of my contract. I want to be able to keep the door at Quintiles open since I think every manager or rep will end up working contract at some point in their career. I want to be able to come back if this does not work out. How do I exit gracefully and keep that door open?

There are several good ones. "I banged my DMs daughter" works well. Another one is "After I decided to leave I cold-cocked my top target." Of course you could always go with the old standby "At district meetings I'd hire 2 prostitutes and we'd snort coke and have weird sex all night."