Good RD's and Bad RD's


I have had an interview already for this company and I want to know who the good RD's are and the bad RD's because I have been told this will either make or break your job...

I would without a doubt stay away from Ohio/Mich if it's CS. I would also stay away from TM in the Ohio/Pittsburgh area....They are both tool bags who have no clue. CS is prob still up Tims ass at supernus

CB got my good manager in Michigan who was on maternity fired because he wanted to show off for TM while he was on interm RD! What a jerk...he will get what is coming ot him sometime

If he kicks it at two to play golf then how could it be so bad to work for him?

Read the above posts dumb ass...CS used to cut out at 2 to play golf but now comes across as someone who will want you to work from 8-5...when he interm-managed us here in Michigan he thought he was slick willy and told us everything our manager was not doing

I heard he was on TM and JH like flies on shit all the time!!! I guess that's what you need to do to get ahead. He was our intern RD and had average numbers other than one year! He can snowball people with the best of them.

I really don't think most of us would want to come over to supernus and be robots! Some of them are ok, but a few of them are complete tool bags!! They are train wrecks who will do anything to make themselves look better.